Investigation of the emulsions based on functional food compositions containing protein




emulsifying ability, hydrocolloids, soy isolate, emulsion stability, animal proteins, silica


The increasing deficit of raw meat and its quality reduction necessitates the improvement of existing technologies that would allow not only the rational and efficient usage of raw meat, but also other sources of food proteins.

Effective ingredients that can improve the unstable functional- technological properties of raw meat are zoogenic and phytogenic protein substances and hydrocolloids.

After analyzing the literary sources rational balance of food additives was chosen to create a functional food compositions. For recipes of created compositions indicators of emulsion sustainability and emulsifying ability were examined, what enabled to determine the ability to create a composition to absorb and store fat in its structure. Taking into account high stability indicators of the emulsion (45-18 %), and emulsifying ability (91-53 %) recipe number 3 is the best.

Positive impact of food additive E551 (silica) on these indicators was proved, because the stability of the emulsion and emulsifying ability increased by an average 3-5 %.

Author Biographies

Василь Миколайович Пасічний, National University of Food Technologies, str. Volodumurska 68, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601

Doctor of Technical Science, Professor

Department of technology of meat and meat products

Ігор Мирославович Страшинський, National University of Food Technologies, str. Volodumurska 68, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601

Candidate of Technical Science, Associate Professor

Department of technology of meat and meat products

Оксана Петрівна Фурсік, National University of Food Technologies, str. Volodumurska 68, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601

Department of technology of meat and meat products


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How to Cite

Пасічний, В. М., Страшинський, І. М., & Фурсік, О. П. (2015). Investigation of the emulsions based on functional food compositions containing protein. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 3(3(23), 51–55.



Technologies of food and light industry