Information technology systems data quality assurance at the control surface qualities


  • Иван Владимирович Мирошниченко National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" Prospect, 37, Kiev, 03056, Ukraine



information technologies, roughness, undulation, unified channel for roughness profile ordinates measurement


Some of the main indicators of the surface quality are geometrical features, the differentiation criterion of which is the relation of the step S to the full roughness height R. At S/R over 1000, macro-roughness (form deviation), defined by manufacturing tolerance is analyzed; at S/R=50…1000 – undulation, and at S/R less than 50 -roughness. In the design of multichannel and multifunction adaptive systems of experimental data processing with integrated software programmable measuring channels of profile ordinates of surface roughness of extended aviation products, it is preferable to use analog contact inductive sensors, which are the most resistant to overload shocks and the influence of external magnetic fields. Such systems allow estimating the roughness parameter Ra not only for standard samples, but also for simple non-linear surfaces, the section of which in the measurement plane is represented as a basic straight line.

Formally, the problem of external design of the adaptive control system can be reduced to solving three statistic measuring problems. It is shown that information technologies for control systems design, using the generalized accuracy concept, which is characterized by considering the set of measurement accuracy indicators, reliability, noise immunity and electromagnetic compatibility can be applied in the systems design for on-line calculation of statistic surface quality parameters -roughness, and dynamic parameters - undulation, in manufacturing extended products of aerospace engineering

Author Biography

Иван Владимирович Мирошниченко, National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" Prospect, 37, Kiev, 03056

Senior Lecturer

Department of design automation of energy processes and systems


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How to Cite

Мирошниченко, И. В. (2013). Information technology systems data quality assurance at the control surface qualities. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 6(4(14), 25–27.



Information technology and control systems