Investigation of the external experience of anti-crisis policy on the control of financial security of the banking system




banking system, financial security of the banking system, anti-crisis policy, fiscal policy, monetary policy


The object of research is the processes of shaping the anti-crisis policy of the developed countries of the world and Ukraine in the context of implementing measures to improve the level of financial security of the banking system. One of the most problematic places in this research is that the experience of foreign countries when implementing it will not always be effective for Ukraine. It depends on the specifics of the economy, politics, mentality of each nation and the like. Therefore, in the study of this object, and especially in the implementation and development of vectors of Ukraine's anti-crisis policy, methods of general scientific cognition, of empirical and comparative analysis, of synthesis and generalization, of the conceptual foundations of support were used. To solve the problematic places, the specifics of the states to ensure the high level of financial security of the domestic banking system were taken into account. The study also took into account complex military-political and economic realities, as well as the need to review the basic approaches to the management of the financial security of the banking system. One of the main guidelines for building an anti-crisis policy and the concept of managing the financial security of the banking system was the experience of the anti-crisis policies of the developed countries of the world during the Great Depression and the global financial and economic crisis of 2008–2009.

The main vectors of the anti-crisis policy are formulated on the basis of research, namely:

  • legislative (aimed at reducing the threats to the functioning of foreign state banks for the financial security of the banking system of Ukraine);
  • infrastructural (aimed at creating new elements of the banking infrastructure, such as a bank of «toxic» assets, development banks, which will increase the financial stability of all banks in the country);
  • monetary (aimed at optimizing monetary policy in terms of ensuring financial, price and currency stability);
  • fiscal (focuses on creating a positive business environment and minimizing macroeconomic threats to the financial security of the banking system). This is due to the fact that the proposed vectors constitute a harmonious and effective combination of the solution of the issue of overcoming the crisis and ensuring the financial security of the banking system in Ukraine.

Author Biography

Oleksandra Vasylchyshyn, Ternopil National Economic University, 11, Lvivska str., Ternopil, Ukraine, 46001


Department of Taxation and Fiscal Policy


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How to Cite

Vasylchyshyn, O. (2018). Investigation of the external experience of anti-crisis policy on the control of financial security of the banking system. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 3(5(41), 49–59.



Problems of Macroeconomics and Socio-Economic Development: Original Research