Strategic direction for livestock development in Poltava region


  • Валентина Іванівна Аранчій Poltava state agrarian academy 36002, Poltava, str. Pans, 1/3, Ukraine
  • Дмитро Сергійович Аранчій Poltava state agrarian academy 36002, Poltava, str. Pans, 1/3, Ukraine
  • Олексій Петрович Зоря Poltava state agrarian academy 36002, Poltava, str. Pans, 1/3, Ukraine



animal, strategy, development, efficiency, government support, competitive, market


The article investigates the theoretical foundations and applied on the formation and development of strategic directions of the field of animal husbandry in the Poltava region, which should ensure its successful development in the current market conditions.

Author Biographies

Валентина Іванівна Аранчій, Poltava state agrarian academy 36002, Poltava, str. Pans, 1/3

The head is Ph. D., Professor

Дмитро Сергійович Аранчій, Poltava state agrarian academy 36002, Poltava, str. Pans, 1/3

The head is Ph. D., Professor Assistant

Олексій Петрович Зоря, Poltava state agrarian academy 36002, Poltava, str. Pans, 1/3

The head is Ph. D., Professor Assistant


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How to Cite

Аранчій, В. І., Аранчій, Д. С., & Зоря, О. П. (2012). Strategic direction for livestock development in Poltava region. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 1(1(1), 46–48.