Logistics approach to the technology audit of scientific and technical innovation developments


  • Галина Миколаївна Андросюк V. E. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of NAS of Ukraine pr. Nauky, 41, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03028, Ukraine




logistics approach, technology audit, scientific and technical innovation development


The importance and the need of carrying out the technology audit are considered in the paper. The main purpose of the study is the use of logistics approach to the technology audit of scientific and technological innovation developments at early stages. The use of the Internet opportunities allows scientists from all over the world to collect the necessary information about conducted researches, as well as gives the opportunity to attract investors and accelerates the technology transfer process. The impact of efficient use of resources (money, time, staff, equipment, etc.) on the effectiveness of scientific developments is shown in the paper. The characteristic of development stages of the innovation project is given in the paper. It is shown in the paper that, at implementation of the scientific and technical innovation project, there is a certain area with the highest relative efficiency. The most favorable conditions for the commercialization of innovative projects are determined. Based on this statement, the criteria of selecting the promising scientific and technological developments are defined. The research results can be applied by scientists and representatives of investors for the definition of the most profitable and promising innovative projects for their further research and financing.

Author Biography

Галина Миколаївна Андросюк, V. E. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of NAS of Ukraine pr. Nauky, 41, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03028

Junior Researcher


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How to Cite

Андросюк, Г. М. (2013). Logistics approach to the technology audit of scientific and technical innovation developments. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 6(6(14), 13–15. https://doi.org/10.15587/2312-8372.2013.19566