Diagnostics of genitourinary disorders and sexual dysfunctions in women in menopause


  • V.M. Grygorenko SI "Institute of Urology NAMS of Ukraine", Ukraine
  • O.V. Romashchenko SI "Institute of Urology NAMS of Ukraine", Ukraine
  • S.N. Melnykov SI "Institute of Urology NAMS of Ukraine", Ukraine
  • V.V. Biloholvska SI "Institute of Urology NAMS of Ukraine", Ukraine
  • M.M. Khodzhava SI "Institute of Urology NAMS of Ukraine", Ukraine
  • O.V. Babych SI "Institute of Urology NAMS of Ukraine", Ukraine




menopause, genitourinary disorders, female sexual dysfunctions


In complex clinical examination of 40 women with physiological menopause (group I) and 44 women with surgical menopause (group II) genitourinary disorders were revealed among 25 (62,5%) and 39 (88,6%) patients respectively. Atrophic colpitis was the first manifestation of genitourinary disorders. It was noted that the formation of genitourinary disorders and sexual dysfunctions in women in menopause took place at the background of reduction of nitrite azote and changes of blood flow in genitals, and worsened as menopause developed. In accordance with the results of earlier carried out research an algorithm of early diagnostics of sexual dysfunctions in women in menopause was developed.


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