Laboratory diagnostics algorithm of the rejection crises in posttransplant period at the patients who underwent related kidney transplantation


  • V.M. Lisovyi Kharkiv National Medical University; Regional Clinical Center of Urology and Nephrology n.a. V. I. Shapoval, Ukraine
  • N.M. Andonieva Kharkiv National Medical University; Regional Clinical Center of Urology and Nephrology n.a. V. I. Shapoval, Ukraine
  • L.S. Kolupaieva Kharkiv National Medical University; Regional Clinical Center of Urology and Nephrology n.a. V. I. Shapoval, Ukraine
  • S.M. Kolupaiev Kharkiv National Medical University; Regional Clinical Center of Urology and Nephrology n.a. V. I. Shapoval, Ukraine
  • M.O. Zhelieznikova Kharkiv National Medical University; Regional Clinical Center of Urology and Nephrology n.a. V. I. Shapoval, Ukraine



chronic kidney disease, related kidney transplantation, post-transplant period, transplant rejection, laboratory diagnostics


The work is sanctified to the study of the features of changes in laboratory parameters of patients after the related kidney transplantation with transplant rejection in the post-transplant period, the development of algorithms for laboratory monitoring of the transplant condition, and the identification of early diagnostic markers of the rejection crisis in the postoperative period. Laboratory indicators of 20 recipients of a renal transplant were investigated, from them at 5 patients observed development of rejection crises in the early postoperative period. The algorithm of laboratory control in the post-transplant period at recipients renal transplant included dynamic assessment of hematological and biochemical indicators of a blood and also physical and chemical and microscopical parameters of urine. It is established that the laboratory markers demonstrating existence of a tendency to development of transplant rejection in early the post-transplant period should be considered rising lymphocytic/granulocytic index more than 3,75 and lack of normalization of indicators of urea and a creatinine for the 10th days after transplantation.


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