Dynamics of mortality of different layers in the population of Ukraine due to urinary bladder cancer in the regional aspect





The paper presents the results of a long (10-year) analysis of mortality rates of different segments of the population of Ukraine due to urinary bladder cancer in the regional aspect. The object of study was the data of official statistical reporting, and the peculiarity of the approach is the allocation of two five-year periods. The information obtained is alarming and needs attention in terms of early adoption of effective constructive measures of the organizational plan, as well as research on early diagnosis and further development and implementation of new technologies for treatment and rehabilitation. They were based on a steady increase in mortality among the adult population, the intensity of which has increased in recent years: in 2014-2018 by 4.5% to 5,008 per 100 thousand against 2.6% in 2009-2013. The most vulnerable is rural population, among which all years the figures are not only higher than among the city (in 2018 – 5,117 against 4,950 per 100 thousand), but also have a higher growth rate (4.9% vs. 4.2%). Noteworthy is the high mortality rate of men, which is 5-7 times higher than that of women, and which is much higher among rural residents (in 2018, 9,260 against 8,701 in urban areas). Another aspect is typical for women: against the background, on the contrary, lower mortality rates in the latter due to the growth rate (for 2014-2018 by 38.2% against 15.2% among the urban population) in 2018 they were equal to 1.753 on 100 thousand women. The identified administrative territories, which are distinguished by high mortality rates and, in the presence of minor fluctuations in their number and composition, remain for years of study; these include the areas of the Central region of the Northeast and Southeast.


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