Analysis of features of accumulation and distribution of heavy metals in kidney tissue of patients with kidney cell cancer




renall cell carcinoma, cancer, heavy metalls


The content of heavy metals by spectrophotometric method (nickel, copper, manganese, cadmium, zinc, lead, chromium and iron) in the renal cortex of 15 patients who underwent nephrectomy for kidney cancer was studied. Residents of Dnipropetrovsk region were conditionally divided into two groups, depending on the place of residence. The study group included residents of industrial cities and surrounding areas, and the control group – conditionally included residents of Tsarychansky district, the ecological situation in which is considered relatively prosperous. The mean age of the patients in whom kidney tissue was taken for the study was 54.75±11.43 years. Four patients were active smokers. Analysis of the content of heavy metals in the renal cortex of patients with kidney cancer revealed that the levels of copper, cadmium, zinc and lead were higher in residents of the intensive industrial zone compared to residents of the control group. But the high reliability of this difference was found only for cadmium. A study of the content of heavy metals in the renal cortex depending on the age of patients showed a tendency to the significance of differences between age groups in cadmium content and, to a lesser extent, in manganese and zinc content. Comparison of cadmium content in the cortical substance of the kidneys of active smokers and non-smokers found that in active smokers the concentration of cadmium in the cortical substance of the kidneys was significantly higher.
The research revealed the peculiarities of the accumulation of heavy metals in patients with kidney cancer depending on the place of residence, age and smoking in the anamnesis of residents of the intensive industrial region of Dnipropetrovsk region, which require further in-depth study.


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