Diagnostic-prognostic role of cytokines, interleukins, and biomarkers of early kidney injury in patients with ulcerous disease


  • G.V. Bachurin Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine
  • Y.S. Kolomoets Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Ukraine




urolithiasis, acute and chronic pyelonephritis, chronic kidney disease, cytokines, interleukin, biomarkers of early kidney damage


Urolithiasis - a metabolic disease caused by various endogenous and exogenous causes, is often hereditary and is determined by the presence of stone or stones in the urinary system. Purpose. Determination of the effectiveness of the use of cytokines, interleukin and biomarkers of early kidney damage in patients with urolithiasis in order to choose treatment and prevention tactics. Materials and methods. The study included 72 patients with urolithiasis who underwent an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of urine; among them the first group included 37 (51.4%) patients who underwent conservative therapy. In the second group - 32 (44.4%) patients who underwent endoscopic surgical treatment. In the third group - 3 (4.2%) patients who underwent treatment in the amount of open surgery. Results. In the analysis of the first group: an increase in all indicators was observed in 37.84%. The rate of creatinine and an increase in cytokines, interleukins and biomarkers of early kidney damage are 48.65%. The norm of all indicators is 10.81%. The rate of cytokines, interleukins, biomarkers and an increase in creatinine are 2.7%. In the analysis of the second group: an increase in all indicators was detected in 50%. The norm of creatinine and an increase in cytokines, interleukins, biomarkers - in 43.75%. All indicators were normal in 6.25%. When analyzing the third group: creatinine numbers were normal. An increase in cytokines, interleukins and biomarkers is 100%. Findings. The use of cytokines, interleukin and biomarkers of early damage to the kidneys, as a diagnostic criterion for the infectious and inflammatory process, is a valuable clinical tool for urolithiasis. An increase in cytokines, interleukin, and biomarkers indicates the presence of infectious and inflammatory complications before the onset of clinical and laboratory changes in almost 50% of cases. The introduction into clinical practice of cytokines, interleukin and biomarkers is a valuable criterion for the early detection and prevention of infectious and inflammatory complications in patients with urolithiasis.


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