Recovery of spermatogenesis in patients with excretory-toxic infertility using complex phytotherapy




infertility, spermatogenesis, phytotherapy


The subject of our study was excretory toxic infertility (ETI) – the most common in the population. The reason for this is the high, almost epidemic prevalence of diseases that are caused by urinary infections. The study involved 50 men (age 26–39 years), who were diagnosed with chronic prostatitis complicated by ETI. In the treatment of chronic prostatitis complicated by ETB, the whole complex of individually selected therapeutic measures was carried out: antibiotic, anti-inflammatory treatment, physiotherapy. When analyzing the data obtained, positive dynamics of the qualitative indicators of spermograms of patients who received Adrius in comparison with the group of patients who received a multivitamin complex is clearly traced. Thus, the concentration of sperm increased by 71.4% in comparison with the data before treatment, while under the influence of multivitamins only by 31.1%. An important indicator of the positive effect of “Adrius” on fertility is an increassing of sperm motility. In the study group of patients, the concentration of actively motile spermatozoa (category A) increased by 61.9% compared with the initial data, while in the multivitamin group - only by 23.8%.


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