The significance of integral indices of intoxication as criteria for assessing the level of endogenous intoxication, and the effectiveness of drug exposure in conditions of modeling acute pyelonephritis against the background of a concomitant hyperglycemi




intoxication, pyelonephritis, hyperglycemia, hematological indices, leukocyte cells, drug effects


The infectious and inflammatory process in the kidneys, which develops with concomitant persistent hyperglycemia, is characterized by clinical signs of endogenous intoxication – a complex pathological syndrome, has pathogenetic significance in friendly nosoforms. and is caused by the accumulation in the bloodstream of toxic compounds in concentrations exceeding the functional capabilities of natural mechanisms of neutralization with subsequent damage to other organs and systems of the body. To establish the severity of endogenous intoxication, a number of indices have been proposed in which leukocyte counts are used. Changes in the latter, taking into account other hematological parameters, can reliably assess the severity of the inflammatory process and the effectiveness of the therapeutic effect.
The aim of the work was to investigate the informativeness and prognostic significance of integral leukocyte indices for assessing the level of endogenous intoxication under conditions of modeling acute pyelonephritis and concomitant hyperglycemic state. It should be noted that in acute pyelonephritis, significant violations of the leukocyte count of peripheral blood were revealed at all periods of observation. Also in the blood of rats, a significant increase in the leukocyte indices of intoxication by 31.6 and 42.5%, the index of the ratio of neutrophils to lymphocytes by 37.4 and 55.0%, the state of general reactivity and the severity of the pathology by the index of shift of leukocyte cells by 35 , 2 and 47.3%, which indicates the progression of the infectious and inflammatory process and the likelihood of developing renal complications. The use of EPMI in rats with pyelonephritis with reconstituted concomitant diabetes facilitated the normalization of the leukocyte count of peripheral blood, while during EMI only their stabilization was noted. Assessment of leukocyte integrative indices in groups of animals with acute pyelonephritis during the reproduction of diabetes testifies to the optimization of the action of the adaptive mechanisms of the animal organism and the nature of the course of the inflammatory process. Assessment of the values of integrative leukocyte indices has significant diagnostic and prognostic value, allows monitoring the course of the infectious and inflammatory process in the kidneys and concomitant diabetes mellitus, determining the level of endogenous intoxication, predicting and preventing the development of complications, and monitoring the effectiveness of therapeutic measures.


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