
  • Ahmad Ali Salih
  • Noor Ghazwan Agha


Ключові слова:

Biographical analysis, organizational health, Selection procedures.


Abstract. The study aimed to recognizing the impact of biographical analysis on the organizational health
through testing the mediating role of selection procedures in the commercial banks working in Jordan, Amman. The field of the current study is the commercial banks in Amman, ranging 21 commercial banks. The population is Individual. A proportional random stratified sample of 274 from all managers in the top, middle, executive administrative levels and the members in the Selection and Appointment Committees. The results showed, insufficient attention to organizational health, because it is of medium level, and it is also important to concentrate on Biogrphical analysis because its also medium level, and the selection procedures was also medium level in commercial banks working in Jordan - Amman. In simple regression test, there is a statistically significant effect of biographical analysis on organizational health, its dimensions no seihpargoib gnizylana fo tcapmi na si ereht taht dewohs stluser ehT، selection procedures and there is an impact of selection procedures on the organizational health. In path analysis, it is shown that there is an impact of biographical analysis on the organizational health and its dimensions when
performing selection procedures as a mediating variable.
Keywords: Biographical analysis, organizational health, Selection procedures.


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