
  • Natalia Bolotova
  • Rustem Muhametzyanov


Ключові слова:

culture of Korea, China, garden, Buddhism, Taoism, Orient, nature, dao, Koguryo.


Abstract. The history of Korean culture’s developing is the history of Korea itself. Korean culture is essential
part of the world culture. In contrast to the Western European culture Korean people tended to understand the world with all its natural features. And the attitude to the nature as an object of special contemplation appeared right here. That has become one of the reasons of garden-complex creature. This article describes the influence of Taoist and Buddhist esthetics on Korean gardens. In the beginning of Anno Domini Korean gardens were under the influence of China. But in spite of that, Korean garden art is original and began to develop on its own. Analysis of that feature of Korean culture is important for understanding of the mechanism of cultures interaction within that recipient culture keeps its origin and uniqueness. The understanding of that mechanism is important, because due to globalization spreading of culture elements occurs nowadays.
Keywords: culture of Korea, China, garden, Buddhism, Taoism, Orient, nature, dao, Koguryo.


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