
  • Vitaly Subich
  • Nailya Mingazova
  • Raheem Ali Al-foadi


Ключові слова:

language quantity, quantifier, quantifier words, scale of intensity, English, Russian, Japanese.


Abstract. Quantitative characteristics of the surrounding world’s entities are expressed by the specific words – logical quantifiers. In a language, quantifiers are represented by the so-called quantifier words. Representing different degrees of the concentration of quantity, quantifier words in natural languages are positioned in a strict sequence – the quantifying scale. In terms of logic, it starts with nothingness (quantifier of meaningful nothingness), terminating at universality while in terms of language quantifier words, it is represented by the complex scale of quantifying words’ intensity. Logically speaking, this scale should start with the quantifier word ‘nothing’ to move all the way through increasing intensity over to the quantifier word ‘all/everything’. The article aims at establishing major functional and structural differences in the languages of different genealogical origins (Germanic, Slavic, and Altaic), basing on the
scale of quantifier words’ intensity. It is assumed that quantifier words possess asymmetrical structural and functional characteristics in English, Russian, and Japanese as far as the scale is concerned.
Keywords: language quantity, quantifier, quantifier words, scale of intensity, English, Russian, Japanese.


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