
  • Angelina Markina
  • Dmitrii Tumakov
  • Nikolai Pleshchinskii



Ключові слова:

base frequency, wavelength, six-tooth-shaped microstrip antenna, regression analysis, antenna parameters.


Abstract. A symmetrical microstrip six-tooth-shaped antenna is considered. The influence of the main
geometric parameters of the antenna on the base frequency is investigated. The main geometric parameters of the antenna include length and width of the radiator, depth of the rectangular cutouts on its radiator, thickness of the substrate, length of the ground and width of the feedline. Regression analysis is carried out and several mathematical models are constructed. The first model describes a relationship of the base frequency with depth of the rectangular cutouts, the radiator length and width. The second model describes a relationship between the wavelength at the base frequency and the geometry of the radiator. The root-mean-square error and the relative error of these models are calculated. For the base frequency and wavelength, graphs of dependencies on the geometric parameters of the antenna are plotted. We establish that a decrease in values of the base frequency and an increase in the wavelength is associated with an increase in the depth of cutouts and the radiator length. We show that a slight influence on the base frequency is caused by changes in width of the feedline, thickness of the substrate and length of the ground. The proposed formulas, describing relationships of the base frequency as well as the wavelength at this frequency with the geometric parameters of the antenna, can be used to design a six-tooth-shaped antenna in a wide frequency range.
Keywords: base frequency, wavelength, six-tooth-shaped microstrip antenna, regression analysis, antenna


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