
  • E.R. Gazizov
  • S.E. Gazizova
  • N. G. Kiseleva
  • A. N. Zinnatullina



Ключові слова:

creative task, heuristic methods, methods, non-standard questions, forms.


Abstract. The development of non-standard thinking helps in solving creative problems. People who think formally can not come up with anything new, thereby destroying creativity. The creative task is an excellent way of revealing the personal abilities of each person. The development of creative thinking allows people to realize their creative potential, their individuality. Heuristic methods in solving problems allow us to express creative thoughts and to activate the creative possibilities of man. Creative thinking is very closely related to the imagination, which is important in any profession. Features of creative thinking consist in the fact that it contributes to the non-standard solution of certain tasks. An unconventional thinking person is able to offer bright ideas in any field of activity, that is, creative activity generates something new, different in originality, originality, and uniqueness. The system of heuristic methods of solving problems is based on logic, sound mind and experience, and the result of all this is new significant information. When solving creative problems, various heuristic methods are used. This is a method of brainstorming, a method of heuristic questions, a method of multidimensional matrices, a method of free association, a method of
inversion, a method of empathy, a method of synectics. The work reveals the essence of each heuristic method, as well as the merits and demerits of each of them. We consider various forms of employment in heuristic ways of teaching, such as the olympiad, heuristic exercises, business games, interactive forms.
Keywords: creative task, heuristic methods, methods, non-standard questions, forms.


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