
  • Natalya Zhukova
  • Irina Kislitsyna
  • Sergey Mamin
  • Nail Abbasov
  • Anastasia Aghajanian


Ключові слова:

process, subjective rights, realization, responsibility, bad faith, abuse.


Abstract. In this article, the monographic and scientific publications, the practice of unfair realization of rights by the participants of the process are analyzed based on the analysis of certain international legal acts. First of all, we study the legislative consolidation of procedural dishonesty and its consequences, and the impact of presumptions on the identification of procedural dishonesty facts. Based on attribution to investigative and adversary models, specific problems associated with procedural dishonesty are identified, and conclusions about the ways of unfair realization of rights by the participants of the process are formulated.
Key words: process, subjective rights, realization, responsibility, bad faith, abuse.


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