
  • Taptyg Kerimov
  • Gulbaram Kulzhanova
  • Zhuldizay Kulzhanova
  • Yesbol Mukhanbetkaliev
  • Torgyn Sadykova


Ключові слова:

human capital concept, human capital, capital, labor potential, labor force, human factor, social relations.


Abstract. Ambiguous research vocabulary within human capital concept necessitates a discussion on
formation of scientific hypotheses in theory. The purpose of the research was to develop a conceptual approach to clarifying the essence of the category of human capital, taking into account its wording in modern literature and historical background of the concept. With the use of content analysis technologies, “capital”, “human capital”, and “labor potential” concepts were structured. Based on terminological analysis, capital and human capital formation features in public relations were singled out. Distinctive features of the labor potential and human capital concepts were isolated by means of comparative analysis. The human capital concept was formulated taking into account its functional purpose, as well as social and historical grounds of the category formation. The findings can be used to design courses in philosophy, economic theory, political science, sociology, and other humanitarian courses; they can prove useful in
the media activities, internal and youth policy departments, as well as other government agencies for shaping public opinion, in studying development trends in human capital as an extremely complex sociocultural phenomenon.
Keywords: human capital concept, human capital, capital, labor potential, labor force, human factor, social


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