
  • Achmad Supriyanto
  • . Burhanuddin
  • Imron Arifin



Abstract. This research aimed to find an NCIP model based on the results of tests on an organiz ationsuccessfully merged. This study used a development research design namely developing a theoretical model into a new model based on the results of the tests in organizations successfully merged. The tests were carried out by three ways: (1) socializing theoretical model to the element of leader and staff of the organization, (2) holding a workshop to confirm the model to the situation and condition of the organization. The targets of the tests were the leader and staff. The data were verbal so that the analysis was undertaken using a qualitative-descriptive analysis technique. The results showed that most of theoretical NCIP models have been in accordance with NCIP model practiced by organization. However, NCIP model should be refined in some aspects: (1) the existence of synergy, expansion, and the need of life in the pre-merger stage, (2) vision and mission, the unification of organization, integration of potential, and organizational protection in during merger step, and (3) strengthened by the use of human resources, service standards, provision of instructions, and regular report at the post-merger stage. The main characteristics of NCIP Model can still be seen in the aspects of trust, multi-direction communication, and commitment.

Keywords: NCIP, Organization, Successfully Merged.


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