
  • A.H. Usman
  • S.A. Shaharuddin
  • W. F. R. Wan Mohamad




Abstract. The Qur’aniyyun or better known as the Quranic Congregation is a modern anti-Hadith movement. This group claims that the Quran is clear enough and is more than sufficient as a guide in life and rejects the hadith as a source of legal theology. They also deny the general affiliation of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as the cornerstone of Islam, but attributes to Him merely the role of being an Apostle who simply conveyed the Quranic verses to man. Some might assume that this anti-Hadith issue is trivial and does not spur any negative implications in everyday life. However, the existence of this group is considered very dangerous because it can undermine faith, destroy the practices of worship, and even taint ones morals and values. Hence, this article discusses the debilitating doctrine that has been spread by the Qur’aniyyun to the Islamic masses. Using the content analysis method, this article finds that the Qur’aniyyun doubts and questions the status of the hadith due to its narrative point of view and claims that there are many irregularities to it. The secular ideology brought on by this group has succeeded in planting the seeds of doubt on the narrative of the hadith and thus has the potential of misleading the society at large.
Key words: Qur’aniyyun, hadith, anti-hadith, Islamic law, secular.


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