
  • Firooz Mir Derikvand




Abstract. The purpose of this study was conducted in order to compare the effect of effective science education on creativity, self-efficacy and academic achievement motivation among students of smart schools (ICT based) and elementary schools in the first sixth grade of Dezfol city in the academic year of 2017-2018. This study was carried out using a causal-comparative method.The research tools were Torrance Creativity Questionnaire, Barati Self- efficacy Questionnaire and Hartre's Educational Motivation Questionnaire. The results show that ICTs in the school group have more ICT than the ordinary school. Based on the results of the F-scores, creativity is significant at the level of 0.01. The results show that the difference in mean scores of creativity component is significant between the two groups.Results show educational motivation scores in the ICT group are more than that of the ordinary school. Based on the results of the F score, there is a significant correlation between academic motivations at the level of 0.01. The results showed that the difference in mean scores of academic motivation component was significant between the two groups.
Keywords: creativity, self-efficacy, motivation for academic achievement, students, smart schools


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