Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies: Announcements https://journals.uran.ua/eejet <p><span lang="EN-US">Terminology used in the title of the «Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies» - «enterprise technologies» should be read as «industrial technologies». <strong>«Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies»</strong> publishes all those best ideas from the science, which can be introduced in the industry. Since, obtaining the high-quality, competitive industrial products is based on introducing high technologies from various independent spheres of scientific researches, but united by a common end result - a finished high-technology product. </span>Among these scientific spheres, there are information technologies and control systems, engineering, energy and energy saving. Publishing scientific papers in these directions are the main development «vectors» of the «Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies». Since, these are those directions of scientific researches, the results of which can be directly used in modern industrial production: space and aircraft industry, instrument-making industry, mechanical engineering, power engineering, chemical industry and metallurgy.</p> <p><span lang="EN-US">Therefore, the scientists, associated with modern production, have the opportunity to participate in <strong>technology transfer to industry</strong>, publishing the results of their applied scientific researches. Industrialists, in turn, can draw scientific and practical information from the journal - each in their direction:</span></p> <ul> <li>specialists in management and computer science - from volumes «Applied Information Technologies and Control Systems», «Mathematics and Cybernetics - Applied Aspects»;</li> <li>mechanical and design engineers - from the volume «Applied Mechanics»;</li> <li>production engineers - from volumes «Mechanical Engineering Technology», «Applied Physics», «Materials Science», «Technology of organic and inorganic substances and the Ecology»;</li> <li>production and power engineers - from the volume «Energy-saving technology and equipment».</li> </ul> <p><span lang="EN-US"><strong>The goal of the journal</strong> is to eliminate the gap, which occurs between the rapidly emerging new scientific knowledge and their introduction in the industry, which requires much more time. Industrial enterprises are active subscribers to the «Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies», and production engineers check the practical value of those scientific and technological ideas, which are recommended for implementation by scientists-authors of the ''Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies».</span></p> <p><span lang="EN-US"><strong>The objective of the journal</strong> in achieving the goal is <strong>forming a «scientific component» of modern technologies transfer</strong> from science to industry. Therefore, in the papers, published in the journal, the emphasis is placed on both scientific novelty, and practical value.</span></p> <p>Registration of an entity in the media sector: Decision of the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting No. 695 dated August 10, 2023, protocol No. 17 (media identifier R30-01134).</p> en-US The "Technology audit and production reserves" journal INVITES ║ Журнал "Технологічний аудит та резерви виробництва" ЗАПРОШУЄ https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/announcement/view/1777 <p><strong>In&nbsp;</strong>December 2024, the&nbsp;<strong>"Technology audit and production reserves" journal</strong>&nbsp;<strong><a href="https://entc.com.ua/en/2785-technology-center-informs">was accepted to Scopus</a></strong>.&nbsp;<strong>We are waiting</strong>&nbsp;for its title to appear in the new Title list.<br><br>Take advantage of&nbsp;<strong>the opportunity to submit an article</strong>&nbsp;to&nbsp;<strong>No. 1_2025 at&nbsp;<a href="https://journals.uran.ua/tarp/payment">"REASONABLE" price</a>,</strong>&nbsp;which will be valid only for the first issues of this year.<br><br><em><strong>Please contact us:</strong></em><br>tarp.nauka@gmail.com, tapr@entc.com.ua<br>+380(50)3811077 (Viber/ Telegram/ WhatsApp)<br>+380(66)2463778</p> <p>====================================================</p> <p><strong>У</strong>&nbsp;грудні 2024 журнал&nbsp;<strong>"Технологічний аудит та резерви виробництва"</strong>&nbsp;<a href="https://entc.com.ua/uk/2784-tekhnolohichnyy-tsentr-povidomlyaye"><strong>прийнято до Scopus</strong></a>.&nbsp;<strong>Чекаємо</strong>&nbsp;появи його назви у новому Title list.<br><br>Скористайтесь&nbsp;<strong>можливістю подати статтю&nbsp;</strong>в<strong>&nbsp;№1_2025 за&nbsp;<a href="https://tarp.net.ua/uk/umovy-publikatsiii/umovy-oplaty">"БЮДЖЕТНОЮ" ціною</a></strong>, яка буде діяти лише для перших номерів цього року.<br><br><em><strong>Звертайтеся:</strong></em><br>tarp.nauka@gmail.com, tapr@entc.com.ua<br>+380(50)3811077 (Viber/ Telegram/ WhatsApp)<br>+380(66)2463778</p> Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2025-01-27 How political situations affect author safety https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/announcement/view/1740 <p style="font-weight: 400;"><a href="https://publicationethics.org/news/authorship-and-politics">COPE recommends</a> that each case be assessed carefully based on as much information as possible, and that full records be kept of the actions taken. Where retraction would not normally be warranted on the basis of an author wishing to disassociate themselves from an article, the safety of humans comes before issues of publication ethics. Editors may therefore choose to issue an editorial note indicating the authors’ removal (if possible without retraction of the paper). The publisher should also consider contacting the authors’ institution(s) as long as that would not pose additional threats to any of the authors.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">There are other, practical, issues which editors will need to discuss. Ideally, journals should have policies in place for dealing with situations like this so that they have protocols to draw on. Editors will need to think about the wording of any removal notice as the metadata (including the author list) will usually be left intact. It may be necessary to take advice from legal teams to see if this information can be completely removed; this can be difficult but author safety can outweigh usual practices. Editors should also satisfy themselves as far as possible that there are no other reasons for seeking removal of author names which would not warrant the record being changed.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">There are several support agencies who can provide other assistance for authors in this position and it may be helpful to refer individuals here. For example, the <a href="https://www.cara.ngo/">Council for At-Risk Academics</a>, and <a href="https://www.scholarsatrisk.org/">Scholars at Risk</a>.</p> Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2024-11-07 THE TIME FOR ANNUAL SCIENCE REPORTS IS APPROACHING! WE HAVE A BONUS FOR YOU! https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/announcement/view/1728 <p><strong>The time for annual science reports is approaching! <br></strong>PROPOSED:<span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;<strong>XIII Scientific Conference "Scientific Results 2024"<br></strong></span><strong>13 years of the conference is an indicator of stability and quality.</strong></p> <p>Date of the event: <strong>26.12.2024<br></strong>You get: <strong>published abstracts and certificate of participation. <br></strong>Price: <strong>400.00 UAH <br></strong>Follow the <a href="https://entc.com.ua/en/conferences/588-scientific-results" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><u>link for details</u></a>.</p> <p><strong>Want to publish your abstract for FREE? Submit an article to one of the journals: <br></strong><a href="https://tarp.net.ua/en" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><u>Technology audit and production reserves</u></a><br><a href="https://med.sr.org.ua/en" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><u>ScienceRise: Medical Science</u></a><br><a href="https://edu.sr.org.ua/en" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><u>ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education</u></a><br><a href="https://bio.sr.org.ua/en" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><u>ScienceRise: Biological Science</u></a><br><a href="https://law.sr.org.ua/en" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><u>ScienceRise: Juridical Science</u></a></p> <p><strong><img src="https://journals.uran.ua/public/site/images/anna1992/09-10-24-en-conf.png" alt="" width="724" height="433"></strong></p> Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2024-10-16 Collective monograph "Energy systems and resources: optimisation and rational use" https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/announcement/view/1690 <p><img src="https://journals.uran.ua/public/site/images/anna1992/new-02042024-e.png" alt="" width="470" height="394"></p> <p>If you are a specialist in the field of ENERGY, then a collective monograph "<strong>Energy systems and resources: optimisation and rational use</strong>" with&nbsp;<strong>Scopus</strong>&nbsp;indexing is being prepared just for you.</p> <p>And a bonus for you:&nbsp;<strong>Submit your manuscript by 30 April and get a 7% discount on publication!</strong></p> <p>Field of science - technical sciences<br>Publisher&nbsp;<a href="https://entc.com.ua/">TECHNOLOGY CENTER PC®</a><br>Year of publication - 2024<br>Resources for indexing&nbsp;<a href="http://monograph.com.ua/pctc/indexing">here</a></p> <p>The manuscript can be submitted in a way convenient for you:<br>- by e-mail to&nbsp;<a href="mailto:iryna.prudius@entc.com.ua">iryna.prudius@entc.com.ua</a><br>- through an account on the website&nbsp;<a href="http://monograph.com.ua/pctc/">monograph.com.ua</a></p> <p><strong>Do you have any questions? We will answer them:</strong>&nbsp;+380503038636, +380967925462</p> Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2024-04-05 The collective monograph "Food production: innovative technological solutions" https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/announcement/view/1671 <p><em><strong>Attention! We are waiting for you!</strong></em></p> <p>We are looking for chapters of the collective monograph "<em><strong><a href="http://monograph.com.ua/pctc/catalog/book/978-617-7319-99-2">Food production: innovative technological solutions</a></strong></em>" with Scopus indexing</p> <p>Direction - technical sciences<br>Publisher - TECHNOLOGY CENTER PC<br>Year of publication - 2024</p> <p>The manuscript can be submitted:<br>- to the e-mail address <em><a href="mailto:iryna.prudius@entc.com.ua">iryna.prudius@entc.com.ua</a></em><br>- through the account on the website <em><a href="http://monograph.com.ua/pctc/">monograph.com.ua</a></em></p> <p>Full list of announced topics for 2024 <em><a href="http://monograph.com.ua/pctc/titles-2024">here</a></em><br>Indexing resources <em><a href="http://monograph.com.ua/pctc/indexing">here</a></em></p> <p><em><strong>We are ready to answer all questions by phone +380503038636 (Whats App), +380967925462</strong></em></p> <p><strong><em><img src="https://journals.uran.ua/public/site/images/iryna_prudius/eng---food-production-innovative-technological-solutions.gif" alt="" width="432" height="432"></em></strong></p> Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2024-02-06 Start the year right! Choose our services - ClubScience https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/announcement/view/1656 <p><strong>- Professional translation</strong><br><strong>- Making a list of references</strong><br><strong>- Search for lost citations</strong><br><strong>- Recommendations for increasing the h-index</strong></p> <p>and much more...</p> <p>Visit the <a href="https://clubscience.com.ua/en/services/services-for-scientists" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ClubScience website</a></p> <p>Contacts:</p> <p>+38 (095) 310-44-79<br>+38 (093) 973-05-48<br>editor@clubscience.com.ua</p> <p><img src="https://journals.uran.ua/public/site/images/anna1992/welcome-clubscience.png" alt="" width="694" height="397"></p> Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2024-01-08 Time for reports and summarizing scientific results in 2023! https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/announcement/view/1638 <p>We recommend the XII Scientific Conference <strong>"Scientific Results 2023"</strong>.</p> <p>For 12 years now, scientists have been summarizing their scientific activities with us and have the opportunity to test the results of their dissertation research. <a href="https://entc.com.ua/en/conferences/588-scientific-results" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Archives</a> of our conferences</p> <p>The deadline for abstract submission is 10.12.2023. <br>Languages of the report: Ukrainian, English<br><a href="https://entc.com.ua/en/conferences/589-conferences-announcement" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Requirements</a></p> <p>The reports will be posted on the website of our publishing house PC TECHNOLOGY CENTER within the framework of the "open science" concept.</p> <p>A certificate of participation with a QR code is required.</p> <p>Send abstracts to info@entc.com.ua<br>Contact: +38 (050) 381-10-77</p> <p><img src="https://journals.uran.ua/public/site/images/anna1992/05-12-2023-en1.jpg" alt="" width="285" height="404"></p> Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2023-12-05 Everything is ready, we are waiting for you! https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/announcement/view/1629 <p><em><strong><img src="https://journals.uran.ua/public/site/images/iryna_prudius/2023-11-08-en.png" alt="" width="419" height="351"></strong></em></p> <p><em><strong>Everything is ready, we are waiting for you!</strong></em></p> <p>Authors! Attention!</p> <p><em><strong>We are urgently looking for manuscripts of chapters of collective monographs with Scopus indexing on the following topics:</strong></em></p> <ol> <li class="show"><em>Structural materials: manufacture, properties, conditions of use: 2 chapters</em></li> <li class="show"><em>Innovative materials and technologies in functional engineering systems: 2 chapters</em></li> <li class="show"><em>Food production: innovative technological solutions: 3 chapters</em></li> </ol> <p>Field of research - Technical sciences<br>Publisher - <a href="https://entc.com.ua">PC TECHNOLOGY CENTER</a><br>Year of publication - 2023<br>Expected year of SCOPUS indexing - 2024</p> <p>The manuscript can be submitted in a way convenient for you<br>- by e-mail to <a href="mailto:iryna.prudius@entc.com.ua">iryna.prudius@entc.com.ua</a><br>- via an account on the website <a href="monograph.com.ua">monograph.com.ua</a></p> <p>For all questions, please contact us at +380503038636, +380967925462</p> <p>Full list of announced topics <a href="http://monograph.com.ua/pctc/collective-monographs#topics">here</a><br>Resources of indexing <a href="http://monograph.com.ua/pctc/indexing">here</a></p> <p><em>We are always waiting for you!</em></p> Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2023-11-08 Attention! Scammers! https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/announcement/view/1620 <p style="font-weight: 400;">We inform you that scammers tried to lure money from one of the members of the editorial board of one of our journals by signing the name of the editor-in-chief Igor Lutsenko.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">After our operational investigation, it turned out that the same letter is being sent to other journals around the world (authors and members of the editorial board) - <a href="https://www.mattioli1885journals.com/index.php/actabiomedica/newsletter5" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://www.mattioli1885journals.com/index.php/actabiomedica/newsletter5</a></p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">Check out the screenshot of the email being sent.<br><img src="https://journals.uran.ua/public/site/images/anna1992/letter.png" alt="" width="720" height="216"></p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">If you receive such a letter, ignore it. These are scammers.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">Please always double-check the information with the addressee or contact us at the phone or email contact numbers listed on the website to clarify the information contained in the letter.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">Be vigilant, as international criminal elements are using the war in Ukraine for their criminal purposes.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">In any case, inform our editors if you receive such letters.</p> Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2023-10-24 Публікація за рахунок державних та інших фондів (Publication at the expense of state and other funds) https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/announcement/view/1609 Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2023-09-28 ATTENTION TO THE AUTHORS OF THE EASTERN-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENTERPRISE TECHNOLOGIES https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/announcement/view/1603 <p>В своєму профілі Scopus Ви можете оцінити ефективність Вашої статті, опублікованої в Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. Якщо вона цитується менше 5 разів, потрібно вживати термінових заходів щодо підвищення цитованості. Для цього є законні та загальноприйняті механізми, що не допускають будь-які фальсифікації та маніпуляції. Необхідно лише звернути увагу науковців Вашої галузі на Ваше дослідження.</p> <p>Якщо Ви зацікавлені у підвищенні своїх показників, повідомте нас за адресою brain.entc@gmail.com</p> <p>Ми дамо рекомендації та необхідний алгоритм дій. Для авторів нашого журналу ми робимо це безкоштовно. Будь ласка, не затягуйте з цим питанням, оскільки у нас формується черга, а людські та тимчасові ресурси обмежені. Чекаємо на оперативний зворотний зв'язок!</p> <p>--------------------------------</p> <p>In your Scopus profile, you can evaluate the effectiveness of your article published in the Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. If it is cited less than 5 times, urgent measures should be taken to increase its citation. For this, there are legal and generally accepted mechanisms that do not allow any falsification and manipulation. It is only necessary to draw the attention of scientists in your field to your research.</p> <p>If you are interested in improving your performance, please let us know at brain.entc@gmail.com</p> <p>We will give recommendations and the necessary action algorithm. We do this for free for the authors of our journal. Please do not delay with this question as we have a queue and human and time resources are limited. We are waiting for prompt feedback!</p> Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2023-08-29 Fair competition ‒ surely no one minds? https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/announcement/view/1570 <p>DOAJ comes to high positions compared to <strong>Web of Science </strong>or<strong> Scopus</strong></p> <p><a href="https://blog.doaj.org/2023/07/06/doaj-is-confirmed-as-a-unique-platform-for-many-open-access-journals-and-a-key-index-for-african-journals/?fbclid=IwAR0nqA493kRLeCWyZM6szz71zR2w5cGBAtzCOFkIyhHIHYFInCGPZsXdEjk">Only</a><strong>&nbsp;10% of ISSNs and 10% of all known open access journals are covered in Web of Science or Scopus</strong>. DOAJ listed the largest number of quality Open Access journals by far!</p> <p>While many journals in Web of Science and Scopus are not currently listed in DOAJ (often because they don’t meet&nbsp;<a href="https://doaj.org/apply/guide/">criteria</a> DOAJ), large numbers of quality open access journals in DOAJ are not included in either of those services (see Figure below). DOAJ indexes 11,730 journals that will not be found in Web of Science and 11,229 journals that are not in Scopus. <strong>DOAJ is, therefore, much more inclusive in its global coverage of open access journals than either Web of Science or Scopus</strong>.</p> <p><img src="https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/libraryFiles/downloadPublic/1768" alt=""></p> <p><a href="https://cais2023.ca/talk/08.simard/">A recently published study</a>&nbsp;using DOAJ&nbsp;data also concluded that Web of Science and SCOPUS were less inclusive than DOAJ.</p> <p>Thus, <strong>DOAJ is confirmed as a unique platform for many open access journals</strong>. In particular, DOAJ is confirmed as a key index for African&nbsp;journals! By this, the state management of science in Africa has proved its leading position in caring for its scientists and the value of their work!</p> <p>Recognizing <strong>DOAJ</strong> as a key index for journals in other countries will be a positive factor in reducing the monopoly of Web of Science and Scopus. Science knows no boundaries, so when the procedure for assessing the quality of scientific work is monopolized, science itself suffers. And the evidence of this statement lies on the surface: any author, referring to his/her manuscript to some journal, asks the first question: "Is this journal included in the Web of Science and Scopus?". That is, the main thing for the creator of a scientific work is not the desire to share his developments with the world, but the desire to satisfy the formal requirements of the ministries according to the criterion of belonging of the journal to two "promoted" resources. At the same time, it is surprising that in most cases access to the publication is closed by these resources, which significantly reduces its chances of being seen and appreciated by the world community. It is this problem that is being solved, placement of the publication&nbsp; in DOAJ, as a platform with strict criteria for the selection of journals, confirming that the quality of publications in such journals may be higher than the quality of publications in journals indexed by Web of Science and Scopus.</p> <p><strong>Surely both Web of Science and Scopus are not against fair competition because it allows one to move forward, evolving and creating new opportunities for the development and dissemination of scientific knowledge.</strong></p> Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2023-07-07 To the attention of scientists! A collective monograph is being prepared for publication! https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/announcement/view/1552 <p><strong>To the attention of scientists!</strong></p> <p>A collective monograph is being prepared for publication&nbsp;<strong>«<a href="https://youtu.be/Okm-h0uk9CM">TRANSPORT SAFETY MANAGEMENT: DIRECTIONS AND CONCEPTUAL SOLUTIONS</a>»&nbsp;</strong>with <strong>Scopus</strong> indexing.<br><br>The area of study is technical, juridical, and economic sciences..<br>Publisher <a href="https://entc.com.ua/">PC TECHNOLOGY CENTER</a>.<br>Copyright is reserved by the authors.<br>Find more details <a href="http://monograph.com.ua/pctc/monograph-publishing">here</a><br><strong><br></strong><em>Send an email to <span id="cloak018c6e3631b50ea4f30ccaf52b4c6410"><a href="mailto:iryna.prudius@entc.com.ua">iryna.prudius@entc.com.ua</a></span> or call +380503038636 and +380967925462</em></p> <p><em><img src="http://journals.uran.ua/public/site/images/anna1992/monograph-en.png" alt="" width="500" height="281"></em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2023-04-10 Package offer for universities from our partner Scientific Route OÜ publishing house https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/announcement/view/1543 <p>Are you ready to develop the potential of your&nbsp;university and publish articles in the EU?&nbsp;<br>Do you want to publish a monograph indexed by Scopus?<br>The publishing house Scientific Route OÜ invites you to the Model of long-term cooperation with the Institution.<br><strong>If you are a university employee, you will be interested in the package offer.&nbsp;<a href="https://route.ee/en/package-offer-for-universities">More details...</a></strong></p> <p><a href="https://route.ee/en/package-offer-for-universities"><img src="http://journals.uran.ua/eejet/libraryFiles/downloadPublic/1580" alt="" width="500" height="281"></a></p> Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2023-03-21 A useful video from our partners CLUBSCIENCE https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/announcement/view/1421 <p class="_04xlpA direction-ltr align-center para-style-body"><strong><span class="JsGRdQ">WE RECOMMEND A USEFUL VIDEO "<a href="https://youtu.be/VzkYs53MYsM" target="_blank" rel="noopener">How to add a review on publons.com</a>" </span><span class="JsGRdQ">FROM OUR PARTNERS <span style="text-decoration: underline;">CLUBSCIENCE</span></span></strong></p> <p class="_04xlpA direction-ltr align-center para-style-body"><span class="JsGRdQ">See other useful videos from the CLUBSCIENCE partner on our publisher's YouTube channel in the "<a href="https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7xlaPb8vE1Lb-13F08Fecbbmt6F8RiIK" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Videos from our partners</a>" collection.<br></span></p> <p class="_04xlpA direction-ltr align-center para-style-body">&nbsp;</p> <p class="_04xlpA direction-ltr align-center para-style-body"><strong>CLUBSCIENCE</strong> deals with the tasks related to the preparation of manuscripts for publication in scientific journals of the world and the promotion of published articles. <a href="http://clubscience.com.ua/en/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Read more…</a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2022-08-02 Support the journal on Publons https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/announcement/view/1394 <p><a href="https://publons.com/">Publons</a>&nbsp;is a platform from Clarivate Analytics that provides a free service for tracking, monitoring, reviewing, and displaying scientists' publications, citation rates, reviews, and journal editors. The system allows users to upload their articles, papers and monographs, even if they are not indexed in Web of Science, and stores the author's review history for scientific journals. Publons allows you to evaluate a scientist's contributions as an author, reviewer, or editor. Thus, Publons is a great opportunity to expand the colony of professional communication and increase one's ranking.</p> <p>The publisher is interested in the success of authors and reviewers, because their rating affects the rating of the journal in one way or another. Today,&nbsp;<a href="https://entc.com.ua/">PC TECHNOLOGY CENTER</a>&nbsp;invites you to visit&nbsp;<a href="https://publons.com/publisher/14981/pc-technology-center">our Publons page</a> and support our journal by clicking on "ENDORSE THIS JOURNAL" in the publisher's profile Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies&nbsp;<a href="https://publons.com/journal/32330/eastern-european-journal-of-enterprise-technologie/">https://publons.com/journal/32330/eastern-european-journal-of-enterprise-technologie/</a></p> <p><br>By doing so, you will help other scholars to see our publications, and your audience may be the one who will demand our articles.</p> <p>Our publisher strongly encourages all reviewers, authors, and editors to join Publons. And if you are our reviewer, join the review team as soon as possible and get to the top of the list!</p> Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2022-05-21 The journals of our publishing house have successfully passed the scheduled Scopus review https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/announcement/view/1390 <center><img src="https://entc.com.ua/images/12-04-2022.png" width="534px" height="320px"></center> <p>The journals of our publishing house – "<a href="https://jet.com.ua/">Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies</a>" and "<a href="http://journals.uran.ua/sr_pharm" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science</a>" have successfully passed the scheduled review, which is mandatory for all journals indexed by Scopus:</p> <ul> <li class="show">page of "Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies" in Scopus: <a href="https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/21100450083" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/21100450083</a></li> <li class="show">page of "ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science" in Scopus:&nbsp;<a href="https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/21101023977" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/21101023977</a></li> </ul> <p>Thanks to the hard work of our authors, their desire to improve their research with us, their patience and kind attitude towards the comments of reviewers and members of our publishing group (managers, editors, translators, literary editors and typesetters).</p> <p>We are proud of our authors! We are working for you!</p> Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2022-05-11 Attention! PC ТЕСHNOLOGY СЕNTЕR immediately terminates any cooperation with Russian scientists! https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/announcement/view/1367 <p><strong>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <img src="http://journals.uran.ua/public/site/images/anna1992/16-03-2022.png" alt="" width="360" height="216"></strong></p> <p><strong>The Publishing House PC ТЕСHNOLOGY СЕNTЕR immediately terminates any cooperation with Russian scientists.</strong></p> <p>Therefore, we emphasize the following:<br>1. Three author groups from Russia were denied the right to publish monographs by our publishing house indexed by Scopus.<br>2. 17 authors from Russia who submitted their manuscripts for publication in the magazines of our publishing house were refused.<br>3. Scientists from Russia and Belarus have been excluded from the editorial boards of all journals of our publishing house.</p> <p>In the future, any cooperation with scientists from the aggressor country is absolutely impossible.</p> Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2022-03-16 Appeal to the authors https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/announcement/view/1355 Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2022-02-25 Update to "List of Scientific Specialized Publications of Ukraine" https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/announcement/view/1229 <div> <img src="/public/site/images/nataliiayena/312.jpg" alt="" /></div>According to the Order of the <a href="https://mon.gov.ua/ua/npa/pro-zatverdzhennya-rishen-atestacijnoyi-kolegiyi-ministerstva-vid-26112020-1471?fbclid=IwAR3rx_MFqemfyrtm23UBsje1f8PW4_Vi1SFjzky9wMixPj7Cx-71J4L2Wyw">Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine №1471</a> from November 26, 2020 in the list of specialties "Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies", which is included in the "List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine" (category "A"), added two more specialties - 104 (Physics and Astronomy) and 105 (Applied Physics and Nanomaterials). Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2021-01-05 NEW VOLUME OF THE "EASTERN-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENTERPRISE TECHNOLOGIES" https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/announcement/view/1228 <p><img src="/public/site/images/nataliiayena/08-015.jpg" alt="" /></p><p>Dear Scientists! Since 2021, the "Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies" journal has been replenished with a new, thirteenth, volume "Transfer of technologies: industry, energy, nanotechnology". The subject of volume "Transfer of technologies: industry, energy, nanotechnology"</p>This volume accepts for consideration manuscripts related to the branch of knowledge "Management and Administration" in the part relating to the management of innovative activities in its various aspects: management, business processes, accounting, transfer of ideas to the market in Industry 4.0., methods, means and methods of commercializing scientific developments, etc. in the context of the economy. That is, the manuscripts for this volume of the journal should contain any new solutions that will facilitate the transfer of technological knowledge/innovative products, providing an opportunity to increase the economic efficiency of companies and/or human welfare. By the way, Scopus indexes our journal in the subject area<a href="https://www.scimagojr.com/journalrank.php?area=1400"> Business, Management and Accounting</a> in the category <a href="https://www.scimagojr.com/journalrank.php?category=1405">Management of Technology and Innovation</a>. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2021-01-04 Better to see once than hear a hundred times https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/announcement/view/1065 <p>It is this principle that editors are guided by when they check the figures that the authors provide in their manuscript.</p><p>Today, when the Internet occupies a large place in the life of scientists, it is important to save good quality web pages that can be used to illustrate your research in manuscripts.</p><p>We bring to your attention the video instruction <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvzE-85R7S4">«How to save a good quality web page»</a></strong></span></p> Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2019-11-11 Continue about quartiles… https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/announcement/view/1064 <p>Today we’ll consider how to check a quartile of a journal, indexed by Web of Science.</p><p>You must visit the site <a href="http://webofscience.com">Web of Science</a>.</p><p>Then You must select a database for searching, select searching by names of editions and enter a name of a searched journal</p><p align="center"><img src="/public/site/images/lilya/08.11_1_.png" alt="" width="60%" height="auto/" /></p><p>In searching results it is necessary to open any article of a searched journal</p><p align="center"><img src="/public/site/images/lilya/08.11_2_.png" alt="" width="60%" height="auto/" /></p><p>It is necessary to open «View Journal Impact» at the page of the article and to review a quartile of the journal</p><p align="center"><img src="/public/site/images/lilya/08.11_3_.png" alt="" width="60%" height="auto/" /></p> Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2019-11-08 How to search for editions indexed by Scopus by quartile? https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/announcement/view/1055 <p>According to order of MES Ukraine No. 1220 of September 23, 2019, it is necessary to have publications in the Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 journals, but how can I find the journals of the necessary quartiles, or find out which quartile the publication belongs to?</p><p>The quartiles of journals are determined by the Scopus and Web of Science scientometric databases.</p><p>Today we bring to your attention the video instruction «How to find the journal of the necessary quartile in Scopus».</p><p>Video at <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Npf5E5wHHHk">link</a></p><p>Follow the news, next time we will tell you how to search for quartiles of journals in the Web of Science scientific database.</p> Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2019-11-07 Did you publish an article in the journal that Scopus is indexing, but the article is not indexed? How to fix it? https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/announcement/view/1031 <p>If you see that the journal’s articles are indexed, but yours isn’t, and do not rush to get upset and start a quarrel with the publisher. Scopus managers often skip articles when indexing (recall that the publisher does not provide any information to Scopus on the articles). Therefore, you need to make a request on your own in Scopus so that your article is indexed.</p><p>Please note that if the entire issue of the journal has not yet been indexed, then such a request will speed up the indexing of your article.</p><p>Instructions on how to make a request in Scopus can be found <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dc_el_j58RM">here</a></p> Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2019-11-05 Are you interested in patents? Do you use Derwent Innovations Index? https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/announcement/view/1028 <p><strong>Derwent Innovations Index</strong> is a unified collection of unique patent-related information with additions, which was given by more than 50 patent bodies and indexed by Derwent World Patent Index (from 1963 to present), with the citation of patents, indexed by Derwent Patents Citation Index (from 1973 to present).</p><p><strong>Derwent Innovations Index</strong> is one of the <strong>Web of Science</strong> databases.</p><p align="center"><img src="/public/site/images/lilya/04.11_.png" alt="" width="60%" height="auto/" /></p><p>In each description, you will find the title, patent number, inventors, names and codes of patent holders, annotations, international patent classification, as well as other useful information.</p> Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2019-11-04 Is there a surname difficult for transliteration and does it lose your citation? https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/announcement/view/1027 <p>For scientists who have problems with transliteration of the surname, that is, the surname can be written in Latin in various ways, we recommend that you fill out the section «Also known as» in your ORCID profile. Also in this section, you can specify various options for using the name, for example, the initials in full, the name and one initial, and the like. And women can indicate their maiden name. It is important to make this information available to everyone.</p><p align="center"><img src="/public/site/images/lilya/01.11_1_.png" alt="" width="60%" height="auto/" /></p><p align="center"> </p><p align="center"><img src="/public/site/images/lilya/01.11_2_.png" alt="" width="60%" height="auto/" /></p> Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2019-11-01 We continue the topic on funding research https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/announcement/view/1026 <p>Yesterday, we wondered where one could find funding for own research and demonstrated then how to search for financing organizations in scientometric databases (<a href="/tarp/announcement/view/991">link</a>). Today, we look at where to find grants for research funding. If you have already been registered at Mendeley, the social network for scientists, then we immediately proceed to the tab Funding. If not registered yet, we recommend that you should do this (<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&amp;v=fUMJzQGlwoc">link</a>). </p><p>At the Funding tab, you can look through a large collection of different proposals from grantees from all over the world. You can select your category, do a subject search, check conditions, a grant amount, and see how many days are left until the deadline.</p><p align="center"><img src="/public/site/images/lilya/31.10_1_.png" alt="" width="60%" height="auto/" /></p> Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2019-10-31 How to find funding for your research? https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/announcement/view/1019 <p>One of the main problems for scientists is the lack of funding to conduct research. In the modern Internet-connected world, the search for finances becomes easier. Today we will tell how to find funding organizations by using scientometric databases. To this end, you need to have a subscription access to the scientometric databases Scopus and/or Web of Science. First, search for documents on your subject (the most accurate search) and then use the publications filter on the left side of the bar (for both resources). Among the different filtering indicators, you can find, for Scopus, «Funding sponsor», and, for the Web of Science, «Funding Agencie» Thus you will receive a list of organizations that fund research on your topic. You can contact these organizations with a proposal to provide funding to your research.</p><p align="center"><img src="/public/site/images/lilya/30.10_1_.png" alt="" width="60%" height="auto/" /></p><p align="center"><img src="/public/site/images/lilya/30.10_2_.png" alt="" width="60%" height="auto/" /></p> Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2019-10-30 You can’t decide, what journal, indexed by Scopus, to search for publication? https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/announcement/view/1018 <p>If You have searched several journals, different by publication conditions, but can’t decide, which is the better for publishing your article, you may use the tool Scopus «<a href="https://www.scopus.com/source/eval.uri?isCompareJournal=true">Compare source</a>» (subscribed version of Scopus).</p><p>Visual graphs help You to compare several journals easily and to make Your choice </p><p align="center"><img src="/public/site/images/lilya/29.10_.png" alt="" width="60%" height="auto/" /></p> Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2019-10-29 How to conduct a systematic review https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/announcement/view/977 <p>If you are considering embarking on a systematic review, there are several issues you need to contemplate if you wish to conduct one. In healthcare, for example, the first step would be to define an explicit research question by using the PICOTS (Population, Intervention, Comparator, Outcome, Timing, Setting) framework, and also register the protocol for the review on <a href="https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/">PROSPERO</a>, the international database of prospectively registered systematic reviews. Protocols provide a complete detailed description of the process by which the review will be conducted. Registering the protocol reduces research bias, duplication of effort, resource waste, and provides greater transparency. Outside of medical sciences, protocols can be uploaded to <a href="https://osf.io">Open Science Framework</a>.</p><p>You must adopt a comprehensive, objective and reproducible search strategy to capture all relevant sources of evidence. In doing so, you can be confident of having incorporated all the appropriate material for the topic at hand. A thorough search strategy should involve multiple databases, registries, sources of grey literature (<a href="https://onlinelibrary.london.ac.uk/resources/databases/opengrey">link</a>), conference proceedings and abstracts. Following the predefined eligibility criteria, you then need to analyze the screened search results to extract data from those publications that meet the inclusion criteria.</p><p>Don’t forget to assess the risk of bias when applicable (i.e., in clinical research). Ideally, these methodological steps should preferably be performed by two authors independently, one of which is a methodologist and the other a content area expert. Summarizing the results of the included studies and interpreting their findings in the light of certainty of evidence and their applicability are the final steps of completing a systematic review. You can also include a meta-analysis if applicable.</p><p>In order to assess the methodological quality of systematic reviews in biomedical sciences, checklists like the <a href="https://amstar.ca">AMSTAR</a> – A MeaSurement Tool to Assess systematic Reviews can be utilized. Lastly, the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (<a href="http://prisma-statement.org/">PRISMA</a>) checklist, is a minimum set of items for reporting in systematic reviews: include one with your full article. The flow diagram can also be adopted to use for non-medical research (<a href="http://prisma-statement.org/PRISMAStatement/FlowDiagram">link</a>).</p><p><strong>Source: </strong><a href="https://www.elsevier.com/connect/authors-update/why-systematic-reviews-matter">https://www.elsevier.com/connect/authors-update/why-systematic-reviews-matter</a></p> Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2019-10-28 Web of Science introduces new feature «Author Search BETA» https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/announcement/view/964 <p>Web of Science has recently introduced a possibility to search for magazines and view profiles. Now there is another additional feature – to view an author's profile in Web of Science. Scientists can look through their profiles, as well as their colleagues' profiles, in the subscriber-version of Web of Science.</p><p>A good addition to search is a possibility to specify alternatives to spelling the name and surname of a scientist «Include alternative name».</p><p>An example of the search result is shown below</p><p align="center"><img src="/public/site/images/lilya/25.10_.png" alt="" width="60%" height="auto/" /></p> Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2019-10-25 Where and how to find your ScopusAuthorID? https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/announcement/view/931 <p>ScopusAuthorID is the author’s unique number in the Scopus database. In order to recognize it, you must have a scientist profile in Scopus. It is created automatically when a scientist has 2 or more works that are indexed in Scopus. A scientist can’t register it or create it yourself; this happens automatically.</p><p>Next, go to the site <a href="https://www.scopus.com/">Scopus</a> on the tab «<a href="https://www.scopus.com/freelookup/form/author.uri?zone=&amp;origin=NO%20ORIGIN%20DEFINED">Search for authors</a>»</p><p>Use the search in the key fields «Author last name» and «Author first name», the search must be done in English, the surname and first name should be indicated as they were indicated in the indexed publications. If your Scopus profile is associated with the ORCID profile (just having an ORCID registration is not enough), you can find your profile by the ORCID number using the search field below.</p><p>In the search results you need to select your profile and click on your Author last name. Your Scopus profile will open for you. On the left under your name and surname will be the term «Author Identifier», the number that is indicated in it and is your ScopusAuthorID.</p> Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2019-10-21 Six things you should keep in mind when writing a review article https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/announcement/view/899 <p class="headline"><em>Key take-aways from <a href="https://researcheracademy.elsevier.com/">Researcher Academy’s</a> latest webinar</em></p><p>Writing a review article is about more than seizing on an interesting topic and gathering the relevant references. It is an opportunity for you to contribute to the development of your field by creating a synthesis of the best resources available and potential new research areas to explore in the future. Done well, a good review article can end up becoming the definitive “go to” guide on a topic, forming the backbone of reading lists and appearing as a reference in countless books and articles globally.</p><p>Yet, the key elements for a compelling review article are still a mystery for many researchers, especially those in the early stages of their careers. To help illuminate this phenomenon, <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/matt-pavlovich-60185423" target="_blank">Matt Pavlovich</a> and <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/lindsey-drayton-0b30a412b" target="_blank">Lindsey Drayton</a>, editors in the Trends reviews journals group with Cell Press, offered their editorial perspective on what they look for in a review in <a href="https://researcheracademy.elsevier.com/" target="_blank">Researcher Academy</a>’s latest <a href="https://researcheracademy.elsevier.com/writing-research/technical-writing-skills/editor-guide-writing-review-article?utm_medium=SORG&amp;utm_source=TW&amp;dgcid=STMJ_1558963450_PUBC_REG" target="_blank">webinar</a>. Below are the key take-aways from the experts.</p><ol start="1"><li><strong><em>A review is not a list of results</em></strong></li></ol><p>The most important question you need to ask yourself before proposing or writing a review is whether you have something new to say. A review article should form more than just the sum of its parts: readers should learn something(s) that they couldn’t get just by reading the references. Therefore, make sure you include your point(s) of view including a comparison, critique and assessment of the studies you are reviewing and/or your ideas for future experiments.</p><ol start="2"><li><strong><em>If possible, submit a proposal before writing the manuscript</em></strong></li></ol><p>You can save yourself a lot of time by reaching out to the editors of the journal in question to see whether or not it’s worth writing a full-length piece for their journals. Doing so also gives editors the opportunity to help shape your idea into something that delivers powerfully for the journal, which also means a higher chance of publication for your paper.</p><p>In the proposal, you need to make clear why the topic is important – and why it is important<em> now</em>. You also need to justify why <em>you</em> should write it. You do not necessarily need to explicitly list the reasons, but you should present them in a way that makes the editor understand why they should accept your proposal.</p><ol start="3"><li><strong><em>Have a clear idea in mind about the structure you want for your article</em></strong></li></ol><p>Starting with an outline and knowing exactly how you want to lead your readers through your narrative (being aware how their “journey” should develop) not only makes your article much clearer and easier to follow, it also helps you decide what should and should not be included in the review. It is important to manage readers’ expectations early on by telling them why you have chosen to write this review right now and highlight how your article differs from other existing work.</p><ol start="4"><li><strong><em>Avoid jargon</em></strong></li></ol><p>You are an expert in the field – that’s why you are writing a review. But your readers may not be as familiar with the intricacies of the topic. Therefore, try to avoid jargon as much as possible. In case you <em>have</em> to use technical language, do not forget to explain it in lay terms or include a glossary if you have that option. While doing so, make sure that the definitions conform to accepted standards and that terms are used consistently throughout your article.</p><p>To go the extra mile, it is also highly recommended to have someone unfamiliar with your field to read your article to make sure it makes sense to a lay audience.</p><ol start="5"><li><strong><em>Follow the journal’s guidelines</em></strong></li></ol><p>Many review authors invest much effort in polishing the content of their reviews but forget to pay sufficient attention to the journal’s stylistic and formatting guidelines. This common pitfall can easily lead to a slow-down and not being aware of – and acting on – any requirements, can negatively affect your review article’s chance of being published. Make sure, then, that you carefully familiarize yourself with the house style and guide for authors for the journal in question.</p><ol start="6"><li><strong><em>Expect to heavily revise the first draft</em></strong></li></ol><p>Even if you think you have followed all the requirements and produced a perfect first draft of your review article, there is a high chance you will receive it back with numerous comments and suggestions for change. <a href="https://www.elsevier.com/connect/authors-update/i-submitted-to-journal-x-but-all-i-got-was-this-lousy-revision">Don’t be disappointed or discouraged</a>. Keep in mind that the editors and reviewers are here to help your paper succeed and by following their advice, you will emerge with a stronger version.</p><p>Make the best out of this by approaching the comments with an open attitude and really engage with them instead of just treating it apathetically as a “paint by numbers” job. If you can afford to do so, it’s often a wise idea to take a few days off and refresh your mind before returning to your article and working on a revised draft.</p><p><strong><br /></strong></p><p><strong>There is a lot more to know!</strong></p><p>You can learn more about other insightful tips and practices on writing a compelling review article in the full webinar recording at the Elsevier <a href="https://researcheracademy.elsevier.com/writing-research/technical-writing-skills/editor-guide-writing-review-article?utm_medium=SORG&amp;utm_source=TW&amp;dgcid=STMJ_1558963450_PUBC_REG" target="_blank">Researcher Academy</a> and can also find answers to some questions asked during the separate webinar on <a href="http://crosstalk.cell.com/blog/your-questions-about-writing-review-articles-answered" target="_blank">the Cell Mentor program</a>. If you still have questions after doing so, you are welcome to post in the associated <a href="https://www.mendeley.com/community/researcher-academy" target="_blank">Mendeley group</a> where the team will endeavour to find answers to your questions.</p><p> </p><p>Source: <a href="https://www.elsevier.com/connect/authors-update/six-things-you-should-keep-in-mind-when-writing-a-review-article">https://www.elsevier.com/connect/authors-update/six-things-you-should-keep-in-mind-when-writing-a-review-article</a></p> Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2019-10-16 Can't make high quality figures? We will show how to do it https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/announcement/view/853 <p>Figures are an important component of the article, illustrate the study and make the material more visual and understandable. No wonder they say "it is better to see once than hear a hundred times". Many publishers publish figures on the article page as separate files. Therefore, the quality of the figures should be very high.</p><p>Leading publishers in the world offer their authors to remake the figures in high quality as editorial service, but this leads to additional costs for scientists.</p><p>Our publisher has prepared a series of training videos for scientists to help you make your figures in high quality.</p><p><strong>1) </strong><strong><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvzE-85R7S4">How to keep a web page in high quality</a></strong></p><p><strong>2) </strong><strong><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-9CD79lL1I">How to insert a figure in high quality from MS Excel</a></strong></p><p><strong>3) </strong><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvoNp2CdRSQ"><strong>How to make a figure in high quality (KOMPAS-3D LT)</strong></a></p><p><strong>4) </strong><strong><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_66RvkJEI1s">How to make a figure in high quality (MS Excel)</a></strong></p> Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2019-10-09 Why do you need to edit an author's profile in the Scopus database and how can one do it? https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/announcement/view/843 <p>An author's profile in the Scopus database should be as correct and complete as possible due to the following:</p><ul><li>it is a source of information about a scientist's scientific performance in the Scopus database;</li><li>it is a source of information about a scientist and his/her research for other scientists, academic journals, foundations, and other funding resources;</li><li>it is used to compile different rankings of scientists;</li><li>it is the basis for ranking the institution where a scientist works; the overall rating of the institution is composed of the employees' scores.</li></ul><p>There are several reasons you may want to correct a scientist's profile in the Scopus database:</p><ul><li>an author transliterated his/her surname/name/initials differently in different publications; because profiles in the Scopus database are created automatically, a separate profile is created for each version of the transliteration. Consequently, the scientific indicators and information could be fragmented and would not display the full picture.</li></ul><p>In this case, a scientist can make a request to merge all profiles into a single profile.</p><ul><li>The profile of a scientist incorrectly indicates the name, place of work.</li><li>Not all publications that are indexed by the Scopus database are displayed in the scientist's profile.</li><li>An article is present in the profile of a scientist, but is displayed incorrectly (an error in the paper's title, the title of the journal, the issue of a journal, etc.).</li><li>Not all citations of the scientist's works are displayed.</li></ul><p>Here's what you need to do to make a request to correct any of the above.</p><p>First of all, you must be a registered user at the website <a href="https://www.scopus.com/">https://www.scopus.com</a></p><p>To register, you need to follow the <a href="https://www.scopus.com/customer/profile/display.uri">link</a></p><p>Enter the necessary data (Name, Family, E‒mail, Password), confirm the Agreement with a registered user, and click the sign-up button.</p><p>If you are already registered, you need to press the Login button in the top right corner and use your login and password to log on to the website.</p><p>Next, click <a href="https://service.elsevier.com/app/contact/supporthub/scopuscontent/">here</a></p><p>In the drop-down list "Cause of request" select one of the items that matches your request:</p><ul><li>Add missing document.</li><li>Affiliate profile correction.</li><li>Author Profile Correction.</li><li>Correction Documents.</li><li>Correction Citation.</li></ul><p>Next, complete the relevant form in English as much as possible. Click "Continue" and confirm the request. If you have done everything right, your contact email must be confirmed by Scopus managers. Next, either changes will be made, or you can be requested to clarify data. Check your e-mail until changes are made.</p><p>You can also request correcting your information on your Scopus profile by visiting your profile page: find a "Request to correct author data" under the diagram of publication activities, and select which corrections are needed, then follow instructions.</p> Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 2019-10-07