Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies https://journals.uran.ua/eejet <p><span lang="EN-US">Terminology used in the title of the «Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies» - «enterprise technologies» should be read as «industrial technologies». <strong>«Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies»</strong> publishes all those best ideas from the science, which can be introduced in the industry. Since, obtaining the high-quality, competitive industrial products is based on introducing high technologies from various independent spheres of scientific researches, but united by a common end result - a finished high-technology product. </span>Among these scientific spheres, there are information technologies and control systems, engineering, energy and energy saving. Publishing scientific papers in these directions are the main development «vectors» of the «Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies». Since, these are those directions of scientific researches, the results of which can be directly used in modern industrial production: space and aircraft industry, instrument-making industry, mechanical engineering, power engineering, chemical industry and metallurgy.</p> <p><span lang="EN-US">Therefore, the scientists, associated with modern production, have the opportunity to participate in <strong>technology transfer to industry</strong>, publishing the results of their applied scientific researches. Industrialists, in turn, can draw scientific and practical information from the journal - each in their direction:</span></p> <ul> <li>specialists in management and computer science - from volumes «Applied Information Technologies and Control Systems», «Mathematics and Cybernetics - Applied Aspects»;</li> <li>mechanical and design engineers - from the volume «Applied Mechanics»;</li> <li>production engineers - from volumes «Mechanical Engineering Technology», «Applied Physics», «Materials Science», «Technology of organic and inorganic substances and the Ecology»;</li> <li>production and power engineers - from the volume «Energy-saving technology and equipment».</li> </ul> <p><span lang="EN-US"><strong>The goal of the journal</strong> is to eliminate the gap, which occurs between the rapidly emerging new scientific knowledge and their introduction in the industry, which requires much more time. Industrial enterprises are active subscribers to the «Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies», and production engineers check the practical value of those scientific and technological ideas, which are recommended for implementation by scientists-authors of the ''Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies».</span></p> <p><span lang="EN-US"><strong>The objective of the journal</strong> in achieving the goal is <strong>forming a «scientific component» of modern technologies transfer</strong> from science to industry. Therefore, in the papers, published in the journal, the emphasis is placed on both scientific novelty, and practical value.</span></p> en-US <p>The consolidation and conditions for the transfer of copyright (identification of authorship) is carried out in the License Agreement. In particular, the authors reserve the right to the authorship of their manuscript and transfer the first publication of this work to the journal under the terms of the Creative Commons CC BY license. At the same time, they have the right to conclude on their own additional agreements concerning the non-exclusive distribution of the work in the form in which it was published by this journal, but provided that the link to the first publication of the article in this journal is preserved.</p> <p>A license agreement is a document in which the author warrants that he/she owns all copyright for the work (manuscript, article, etc.).<br />The authors, signing the License Agreement with TECHNOLOGY CENTER PC, have all rights to the further use of their work, provided that they link to our edition in which the work was published.<br />According to the terms of the License Agreement, the Publisher TECHNOLOGY CENTER PC does not take away your copyrights and receives permission from the authors to use and dissemination of the publication through the world's scientific resources (own electronic resources, scientometric databases, repositories, libraries, etc.).<br />In the absence of a signed License Agreement or in the absence of this agreement of identifiers allowing to identify the identity of the author, the editors have no right to work with the manuscript.<br />It is important to remember that there is another type of agreement between authors and publishers – when copyright is transferred from the authors to the publisher. In this case, the authors lose ownership of their work and may not use it in any way.</p> eejet@entc.com.ua (Frolova Liliia) eejet@entc.com.ua (Frolova Liliia) Sat, 29 Jun 2024 23:07:07 +0300 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Design of a decision support system to form optimal technological processes for parts machining based on artificial intelligence methods https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/article/view/306611 <p>The object of this study is the process of designing a decision support system for automating the formation of technological processes (TPs) for machining parts of high-precision equipment for the aviation industry.</p> <p>The task of improving the efficiency of the optimization of the process of mechanical processing of parts through the use of a decision support system (DSS) and artificial intelligence methods, which, unlike known analytical approaches, allow describing processes and phenomena that do not have strict formalization, has been solved. DSS consists of three subsystems. The first is an information subsystem for the automated formation of the structure in the technological process of machining parts of high-precision equipment. The second is an information subsystem for optimizing parameters of TP operations by cutting, taking into account the accumulation of tool wear. The third is a subsystem of control and adjustment of operating parameters.</p> <p>In the process of conducting research, an approach was devised for designing optimal technological processes to machine parts of high-precision equipment. The task of designing the structure of technological processes was solved using production rules. The task of determining the optimal parameters of turning and milling operations was solved in a multi-criteria statement. The following objective functions were used: cost of the operation, specific energy consumption for the operation, and productivity of the operation. At the same time, the wear of the tool accumulated over time was taken into account. The solution was obtained by searching for the Pareto-optimal solution using genetic algorithms and artificial neural networks.</p> <p>As a result of the work of DSS, an optimal technological process for machining parts of high-precision equipment for the aviation industry was formed, which made it possible to reduce the production time of one part by 5 % and reduce the total cost of production of the part by 14 %</p> Viacheslav Lymarenko, Oleksandr Mozhaiev, Inna Khavina, Serhii Tiulieniev, Mykhailo Mozhaiev, Yurii Onishchenko, Yurii Gnusov, Mikhail Tsuranov, Volodymyr Homon Copyright (c) 2024 Viacheslav Lymarenko, Oleksandr Mozhaiev, Inna Khavina, Serhii Tiulieniev, Mykhailo Mozhaiev, Yurii Onishchenko, Yurii Gnusov, Mikhail Tsuranov, Volodymyr Homon http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/article/view/306611 Sat, 29 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Method for synthesizing the concept of automating the system to manage personnel training processes based on categorial analysis https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/article/view/304996 <p>This paper considers a three-level system for managing personnel training within the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.</p> <p>When devising the concept of automating control processes in systems of this kind, the key issue is to ensure completeness in significant aspects of the management process. Insufficient conceptual completeness compromises effectiveness of the automated system for organizational control (ASOC) and causes difficulties (impossibility) in its further modernization.</p> <p>A method has been proposed for formulating functional tasks (FTs) in specialized software (SSW) for ASOC based on categorical analysis in combination with the provisions of the conceptual design of automated control systems (ACS). The application of this method was demonstrated using an example of the system for managing personnel training. Categorical analysis of the management process was carried out for the strategic, operational, and tactical hierarchical levels of the system based on three dual pairs. Eight control aspects were obtained. On their basis, 79 FTs were stated for the strategic level. For the operational and tactical levels, by taking into account the specificity of training, the number of aspects was 2; FTs ‒ 204 and 195, respectively. An example has been given for two of the eight aspects of control, their interpretation and formulation of FTs for the strategic level of management.</p> <p>The generated FTs represent the concept of ASOC and provide, within the established boundaries of analysis, the completeness of control aspects in personnel training.</p> <p>The reported results are of interest in the conceptual design of large ASOC, as well as in the formation of technical specifications for software developers</p> Alexey Nykyforov, Аnton Nykyforov, Roman Antoshchenkov, Pavlo Polyansky, Ivan Halych, Viсtor Kis, Alla Dombrovska, Inna Kilimnik, Andrii Usyk Copyright (c) 2024 Alexey Nykyforov, Аnton Nykyforov, Roman Antoshchenkov, Pavlo Polyansky, Ivan Halych, Viсtor Kis, Alla Dombrovska, Inna Kilimnik, Andrii Usyk http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/article/view/304996 Construction of a fuzzy model for managing the process of forming IT-competences https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/article/view/306183 <p>The relevance of this study is predetermined by the lack of models and algorithms for managing the formation of IT competencies in children of senior preschool age in the information and educational environment of a preschool organization. The object of the study is the process of managing the formation of IT competencies in children of senior preschool age. The problem under study is the need to build an effective system for assessing and managing the level of IT competencies, taking into account the uncertainty and subjectivity of assessments, as well as ensuring flexibility and adaptability of the process of developing competencies.</p> <p>The constructed model based on fuzzy logic takes into account the uncertainty of assessments and decomposes competencies into indicators of achievement (low, medium, high levels). The production model of knowledge representation based on fuzzy inference rules enables control adaptability. As a result, recommendations were compiled for assessing and developing competencies taking into account the individual characteristics of children and the educational environment.</p> <p>The approaches and tools proposed in this study help improve the quality of preschool education by providing teachers with effective tools for managing the educational process in the context of digitalization. The essence of the results is to build a model that makes it possible to integrate uncertain and subjective data into the process of assessing IT competencies, providing more accurate and objective assessments.</p> <p>The results could be used in the information and educational environments of preschool organizations, as well as in education systems that introduce modern technologies for assessing and managing competencies</p> Kainizhamal Iklassova, Aliya Aitymova, Oxana Kopnova, Ainagul Sarzhanova, Gulmira Abildinova, Agibay Kushumbayev, Zhanat Aitymov Copyright (c) 2024 Kainizhamal Iklassova, Aliya Aitymova, Oxana Kopnova, Ainagul Sarzhanova, Gulmira Abildinova, Agibay Kushumbayev, Zhanat Aitymov http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/article/view/306183 Construction of models and application of syncretic innovation project management in the era of artificial intelligence https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/article/view/306436 <p>The technological innovation landscape is rapidly evolving based on the convergence of knowledge and artificial intelligence. This creates unprecedented opportunities and challenges for managing innovative projects. The object of this study is the system of syncretic management of innovative projects in the era of the artificial intelligence explosion. The problem addressed is related to the application of principles, models, and methods of syncretic management of innovative projects in the context of integrating various elements, including interdisciplinary collaboration, artificial intelligence technologies, and adaptive methodologies, to optimize project outcomes. The result of the research is a system of syncretic management of innovative projects that encompasses various aspects of management, innovation, and integration with artificial intelligence systems. The essence of the results outlines the stages of managing the life cycles of innovative projects, emphasizing resource allocation, risk assessment, and adaptive strategies. In the field of innovation management, the model includes methodologies for idea generation, technological scouting, and open innovation, recognizing the role of artificial intelligence in shaping the innovation environment. A crucial aspect of the model is the integration of artificial intelligence technologies throughout the project. The syncretic approach emphasizes cross-functional collaboration, creating an environment where different disciplines contribute to project success seamlessly. The importance of the proposed approach is associated with the integration of syncretic control with artificial intelligence systems based on additional competencies. The effectiveness of the practical application of systems of integrated syncretic management of innovative projects was evaluated in the process of analyzing the situation and preparing solutions many times faster, with a quality that exceeds existing systems</p> Sergiy Bushuyev, Andrii Ivko Copyright (c) 2024 Sergiy Bushuyev, Andrii Ivko http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/article/view/306436 Selecting a transport and forwarding company for meeting a customer’s needs when organizing international road cargo transportation https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/article/view/305238 <p>The object of this study is the process of planning the work of a manufacturing enterprise that needs transport and forwarding services when exporting goods to counterparties in different countries of the world.</p> <p>The problem being solved is predetermined by the need to devise recommendations for choosing a transport and forwarding company when serving an individual customer, based on its individual needs and conditions of cooperation.</p> <p>A simulation model for the selection of a transport and forwarding company was constructed and implemented to meet the customer’s needs when exporting goods, applying the GPSS World simulation automation package.</p> <p>The model provides for the optimization of the choice of a transport and forwarding company for servicing counterparties based on the assessment of their activity indicators over previous periods of cooperation.</p> <p>When building the model, the types of commercial conditions of the exporter’s cooperation with the transport and forwarding company, indicators of the quality assessment of the basic level of service and the duration of service at all stages of the foreign trade operation were taken into account. The application of the constructed model in practice will enable exporters and importers to choose a transport and forwarding company depending on the individual needs of customers in the delivery of goods. The simulation results reflect the performance indicators of the provision of transport and forwarding services by various specialized enterprises. This will make it possible to involve in the transport and forwarding service of a separate counterparty an organization that will meet all the requirements of goods buyer in accordance with the terms of the international economic contract. At the same time, the duration of choosing and agreeing the terms of cooperation could be reduced by 12–15 % while the efficiency of transport and forwarding services would increase by 13–16 %</p> Ievgenii Lebid, Nataliia Luzhanska, Iryna Lebid, Alexander Mazurenko, Inesa Halona, Kateryna Kovtsur, Tetiana Yarmak, Tetiana Sotnikova, Ievgen Medvediev Copyright (c) 2024 Ievgenii Lebid, Nataliia Luzhanska, Iryna Lebid, Alexander Mazurenko, Inesa Halona, Kateryna Kovtsur, Tetiana Yarmak, Tetiana Sotnikova, Ievgen Medvediev http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/article/view/305238 A robust optimization to dynamic supplier decisions and supply allocation problems in the multi-retail industry https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/article/view/305111 <p>The research focuses on multi-retail distribution with a strategic distribution network. Challenges include intense competition, logistical and transportation complexities requiring robust infrastructure like warehouses and efficient supply chain management, as well as operational inefficiencies and distribution costs. To address these issues, a model is applied to make strategic decisions, such as determining the necessary number of facilities to minimize total supply chain network operational costs and infrastructure for retail distribution. The outcome is a model that introduces a novel approach to enhancing supply chain efficiency and effectiveness from production to distribution stages, thereby reducing system costs, including ordering costs and inventory handling. Costs and loss costs resulting from remaining products produced can be minimized by considering networks, multiple suppliers, multiple warehouses, Distribution Centers (DC), multiple retailers, and multiple products, factoring in the distances between facilities in the network. Subsequently, comprehensive testing of inspection, distribution, and retail parameters is conducted, with a focus on specific periods and product types. When applying this model, certain characteristics need to be considered regarding the importance of selecting efficient suppliers of goods, such as procurement, performance improvement, and the number of supply chains and supply chain systems. This research introduces novelty in production methods that can lead to increased customer satisfaction, sales, market share, profit margins, more effective brand advertising, and revenue streams. In this process, the research undergoes a training, testing, and validation process in forming a strategic multi-retail distribution network model, spanning a total of 52 epochs. This process yields accuracy values for training at 90 %, testing at 92 %, and validation at 94 %</p> Solly Aryza, Syahril Efendi, Poltak Sihombing, Sawaluddin Copyright (c) 2024 Solly Aryza, Syahril Efendi, Poltak Sihombing, Sawaluddin http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/article/view/305111 Improving safety criteria for transporting hazardous goods by road through optimizing the geometric parameters of their stowage https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/article/view/307235 <p>The object of research is the process of cargo transportation by road. The problem of efficient loading and securing of hazardous goods in box containers during their transportation by road is considered.</p> <p>The basic principles of the voxel-based interpretation of the model of loading box containers on road transport are presented, and a general principle for calculating the fractal dimension of such three-dimensional objects has been developed. The calculation is based on the procedure of reducing the dimensionality of space by cutting the object into separate layers and determining the fractal dimensionality of two-dimensional slices. The proposed principle could be used to estimate the fractal dimension of three-dimensional objects in practical tasks in any industry.</p> <p>A method for simplified calculation of fractal characteristics of three-dimensional bill of lading models of cargo stowage has been devised. The method is based on the assessment of the quality of blocking of the constituent elements of the spatial system in three coordinate directions by the fractal dimension of two-dimensional images of their frames. The method provides opportunities for calculating the quantitative characteristics of the quality of cargo stowage from the standpoint of its transportation safety.</p> <p>A method for fractal stowing of goods in box containers on a truck platform has been proposed. This method of fractal stowage provides for the absence of slippage and displacement of boxes in the package and makes it impossible for them to overturn in extreme situations. The use of the fractal stowage method allows for an efficient and low-cost technology of securing the cargo as it involves only a circular bandage of the top layer of the loaded package of boxes and its fastening to the vehicle platform at four points</p> Serhii Pustiulha, Volodymyr Samchuk, Valentyn Prydiuk, Oksana Pasichnyk, Oleksandr Shymchuk Copyright (c) 2024 Serhii Pustiulha, Volodymyr Samchuk, Valentyn Prydiuk, Oksana Pasichnyk, Oleksandr Shymchuk http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/article/view/307235 Sat, 29 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Identifying the vehicle accident models based on driving behavior factors using structural equation modeling https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/article/view/306781 <p>The increase in population is accompanied by an increase in the number of vehicles. It is inevitable that the number of vehicle accidents will also increase, which can be caused by various factors. Driver factors reviewed in this study include socioeconomic characteristics, movement characteristics, accident characteristics, and driver behavior characteristics. the purpose of this study is to study the vehicle accident model using interviews and Driving Behavior questionnaires with a total of 307 motorist respondents who have experienced accidents. Driver factors reviewed in this study include socioeconomic characteristics, movement characteristics, accident characteristics, and driver behavior characteristics using interviews and Driving Behavior questionnaires with a total of 307 motorist respondents who have experienced accidents.</p> <p>This investigate used SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) with SmartPLS computer software. Two-wheeled vehicle accident modeling results <em>Y</em>=–0.234 <em>X</em>1+0.153 <em>X</em>3+<em>ei</em>2; <em>R</em>2=0.102. The greatest influence occurs in the characteristics of driver behavior (<em>X</em>3), namely Ordinary Violation, and for four-wheeled vehicle accident modeling results, <em>Y</em>=–0.343 <em>X</em>1+0.284 <em>X</em>3+<em>ei</em>2; <em>R</em>2=0.217. The greatest influence occurs in driver behavior characteristics (<em>X</em>3), namely Ordinary Violation. Ordinary Violation is defined as a deliberate deviation from the rule of law.</p> <p>Thus, from the research results, the most influential variable was the behavior of drivers who committed ordinary violations such as ignoring speed limits, breaking through intersections, and driving under the influence of alcohol. So, there needs to be collaboration between the police and related parties in tackling accidents and reducing the risk of traffic accidents, such as long as socialization or information through newspapers or electronic media to the public in Jayapura City regarding the importance of collective awareness of driving safety</p> Fadila Ardi Putri Damayanti, Muhammad Zainul Arifin, Fauzul Rizal Sutikno, Muh Miftahulkhair Copyright (c) 2024 Fadila Ardi Putri Damayanti, Muhammad Zainul Arifin, Fauzul Rizal Sutikno, Muh Miftahulkhair http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://journals.uran.ua/eejet/article/view/306781 Sat, 29 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0300