The concept of "physical culture and health technology" in the practice of a physical therapist




технологія, фізична терапія, фізична вправа, фізична культура, здоров’я, здоров’язбереження, фізкультурно-оздоровчі технології, фітнес-технології, професійна діяльність, рухова активність, відновлення


Purpose: systematization of approaches to the interpretation of the concept of "physical culture and health technologies", study of the main stages of their development, structure and basic components. Material and methods: analytical analysis of scientific and methodical literature, generalization of research results of individual authors. Results: in the process of analyzing the scientific and methodological literature, approaches to the formulation of the concept of "physical culture and health technologies" in the field of physical therapy (rehabilitation) and physical culture were analyzed. Conclusions: it was found that physical culture and health technologies are a dynamic system that is constantly developing and changing, has its own structural components, stages of development, and is aimed at improving health, preventing diseases or restoring damaged functions.


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2023-10-22 — Updated on 2023-10-22



