Modern approaches to the objectification of the functional state of the athletes' body during current examinations
Purpose: to analyze the existing approaches to the assessment of the functional state of athletes, which are used in the educational and training process of athletes to determine signs of stress on the cardiovascular, respiratory and autonomic nervous systems during current examinations. Material and methods: The analysis of various diagnostic approaches showed that there are several methods that are actively used in the educational and training process to determine the functional state of athletes in "field conditions". Emphasis is placed on research methods of the autonomic nervous system. Results: The D&K method is fundamentally different, which, on a level with the determination of autonomous heart rhythm regulation, allows characterizing energy processes in the body of athletes. However, it has certain limitations. The phasography technique makes it possible to determine the condition of the myocardium based on its repolarization parameters at the same level as the assessment of the autonomous regulation of the heart rhythm. The technique of spiroarteriocardiorhythmography (SAKR) makes it possible to evaluate the autonomous regulation of heart rhythm, blood pressure, regulation of breathing, central hemodynamics, as well as the interaction between the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Conclusions: the conducted analysis allows us to assert the greatest prospects for the use of SAKR. Thus, the informative criteria that can be used to objectify the state of the body and its individual systems in the conditions of the educational and training process, in addition to the known parameters of heart rate variability, include the parameters of blood pressure variability, which characterize overstrain of the contractile function of the heart and vascular tone; parameters of variability and pattern breathing, which indicate the regulatory tension of the external breathing system. An informative indicator is the sensitivity of the arterial baroreflex.
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