Justification of the physical therapy program for patients diagnosed with adhesive capsulitis at the post-hospital stage





Goal. Justification of the program of physical therapy for adhesive capsulitis, taking into account the evidence of interventions in the post-hospital period. Research methods - analysis of literary sources from scientometric databases Physiopedia, CochraneCentralRegisterofControlledTrials, PEDro, MEDLINE / PubMed, Scopus and WebofScience, system analysis, synthesis and generalization of scientific and methodical literature. The results. Physical examination, use of the ASES, DASH, and SPADI scales are recommended for clinical examination to establish impaired domains of the ICF and goals of physical therapy. Among the interventions that were used most often and with maximum effect in modern studies were: patient education, therapeutic exercises, joint mobilization, low-intensity laser therapy. Studies have proven the effectiveness of home exercises, which is also necessarily taken into account in rehabilitation programs. The use of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation in rehabilitation programs was analyzed in a systematic review, therefore it is appropriate to use this technique in addition to a standard rehabilitation program. Conclusions. When creating a program of physical therapy for AK, it is necessary to focus on the complete restoration of motor functions in the shoulder joint, to set long- and short-term goals depending on the impairment of activity and participation according to the ICF, interventions should be selected taking into account the degree of evidence of the methods and, in accordance with the set goals, with the measurement of the obtained results.


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— Updated on 2023-09-04


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