Application of sling exercises therapy in physical rehabilitation
Purpose: substantiating the use of Sling Exercises Therapy in the process of physical rehabilitation. Material and methods: the method of analysis of scientific sources by the research topic was used. Results: today this technique is used for the purpose of prevention, treatment and rehabilitation in most countries of Europe and Asia. Sling Exercises Therapy involves the use of various limb or whole body suspension systems. Thanks to this, the load is removed from the joints, and only those muscle groups that are worth training or treating work. The results of many studies allow us to state that the use of Sling Exercises Therapy is effective for the treatment and rehabilitation of persons with scoliosis, a round or flat back, flat feet, sensory disorders or "clumsy child syndrome", bronchial asthma or chronic bronchitis, enuresis, neurological diseases, etc. Conclusions: The above indicates that the method of Sling Exercises Therapy should be used in the process of physical rehabilitation of persons with various diseases.
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Copyright (c) 2021 А.С. Сулима, В.Р. Кандаєв, В.В. Коліжук

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