The use of physical therapy for myopia in people who lead a predominantly sedentary lifestyle




The possibilities of treatment of myopia are not yet fully disclosed. And although in recent years research on this issue has expanded significantly, still in the case of solving the problem of myopia have not yet received sufficiently complete and systematic coverage. Objective: to investigate the features and effectiveness of physical therapy for visual impairment. Material and methods: assessment of myopia is established on the basis of objective clinical research, as well as the study of refraction. Physical therapy classes were held with office workers during the lunch break. Number of subjects – eight young people (from 32 to 44 years). Results: Vis OD (right eye) was 0.48±0.06 diopters, at baseline – 0.54±0.06 diopters, which corresponds to 0.76 Student's t-test. This Vis OS (left eye) was 0.45±0.05 diopters (at the initial examination) and 0.51±0.05 diopters (at the final examination), Student's t-test was 0.88. The level of significance was >0.05, which indicates the inaccuracy of the changes. Conclusions: An analysis of the effectiveness of physical therapy has shown that regular training of eye muscles and regulation of refraction is important to preserve vision, slow or stop the progression of myopia, as well as prevent age-related eye changes and eye fatigue during intense visual work.




