Influence of kinesiotherapy on the functional condition of the lower limb with tunnel syndrome of peroneal nerve




Restoration of the functional state of the lower extremity in tunnel syndrome of peroneal nerve is an urgent problem today. The article notes that tunnel syndromes of the nerves of the lower extremity are still poorly understood, scientific developments on the influence of various methods of rehabilitation on the functional condition of the lower extremity in tunnel syndrome of peroneal nerve is insufficient. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of kinesiotherapy on the functional condition of the lower extremity in tunnel syndrome of peroneal nerve. Materials and methods of research. Analysis and generalization of data of modern scientific and methodological literature of domestic and foreign authors, information resources of the Internet, which allowed to conduct in-depth analysis and systematization, to characterize the main methods of kinesiotherapy for tunnel syndrome of peroneal nerve and to determine their impact on lower functioning. Results. As this disease develops paresis of the foot, patients significantly impair the function of support, walking, reduced efficiency and quality of life, may develop muscle atrophy and contracture of the joints of the foot. The article describes the main methods of kinesiotherapy, which have a positive effect and help to restore both the motor function of the damaged peroneal nerve and the lower extremity as a whole. It is noted that rehabilitation measures carried out in patients with tunnel syndrome of peroneal nerve are determined by: stage of the disease; the severity of clinical manifestations; predominant pathogenetic factors; localization of tunnel syndrome; rehabilitation period. It is emphasized that one of the most important and effective methods of rehabilitation is kinesiotherapy. Physical and therapeutic exercises not only help prevent the formation of contractures in the joints of the lower extremity, prevent muscle atrophy, which is not stimulated by the nerve, but also allow normalizing walking, compensating for reduced or lost function due to other muscles. Attention is drawn that the drooping foot must be fixed with a special orthosis or elastic pull to ordinary shoes. Before teaching a patient to walk, it is necessary to teach him to stand correctly, leaning on the patient’s leg and using an additional fulcrum (chair back, crutches, sticks); then teach to walk on the spot, to walk with two crutches or sticks, with only one stick and only then - without support. In addition, at the beginning of the rehabilitation course, positioning of the lower extremity, postisometric relaxation is recommended. It is pointed out that it is important to prescribe kinesiotherapy for a long time, regularly and consistently according to the periods of rehabilitation, which significantly increases the effectiveness of recovery. It is noted that one of the kinesiotherapy methods for paresis of the lower extremity is to perform physical exercises in water (hydrokinesiotherapy). Exercises are recommended to perform in the bath or pool in the starting position sitting, standing and walking. Exercises for the toes and ankle are performed in the starting position in the support of the heel and the whole foot. In addition, to restore motor function and skin sensitivity, specialists prescribe hardware physiotherapy procedures: magnetic therapy and electrophoresis; ultrasound and electrical stimulation, reflexology, extracorporeal shock wave therapy. Conclusions. Analysis of the literature shows that the relevance of the tunnel syndrome of peroneal nerve is indisputable. Kinesiotherapy is the leading method of restoring motor function of the lower extremity in tunnel syndrome of peroneal nerve. According to various sources, kinesiotherapy programs are recommended to include various sets of therapeutic and physical exercises, massage, orthoses, simulators for the lower extremities, hydrokinesiotherapy, methods of hardware physiotherapy. The positive influence of these rehabilitation factors is confirmed by studies of both Ukrainian and foreign authors.




