Visnyk of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, series "Geology. Geography. Ecology": Announcements <p>Specialized edition on geological and geographical sciences.</p> <p>Indexed in: <em>WorldCat</em>, <em>BASE</em> (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine), <em>ResearchBible</em>, <em>TIB/UB</em> (German National Library of Science and Technology, University Library Hannover), <em>SBB </em>(Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin), <em>Ulrich's Periodicals Directory</em>, <em>EBSCO</em>, <em>Index Copernicus</em>, <em><strong>Web of Science</strong></em> (Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)).</p> <p align="justify">Visnyk of the series "Geology. Geography. Ecology" has been published by the School of Geology, Geography, Recreation and Tourism since 1970. To date 58 issues of the Visnyk, positively appraised by the experts in this field of research, have been published.</p> <p align="justify">The Visnyk is the successor of "Scientific Notes" of the School of Geology and Geography published at the University in early XIX century. At various times they published papers by prominent scholars such as M.D. Borysyak, I.I. Levakovskyy, A.V. Gurov, A.N. Krasnov, A.S. Fedorovsky, D.M. Sobolev, V.P. Makrydin, S.I. Shumenko, O.N. Makarenko, G.M. Zakharchenko, G.M. Maliovanny and many other scientists.</p> <p align="justify">The articles submitted to the Visnyk are internally reviewed by the members of the editorial board, externally reviewed by leading scholars of universities and research institutions, including those from other countries. This year the Editorial Board and the International Council of the Visnyk have been updated and now they include leading experts in the fields of geography, geology and ecology from Germany, Estonia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Poland, Georgia, Turkey and Libya whose papers are published in the international journals. </p> uk-UA Issue 59 Visnyk of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, series "Geology. Geography. Ecology" 2019-07-09