


technology, scientific and technical development, knowledge, knowledge transformation, innovation


The subject matter of the article is the theoretical and applied aspects of technology development on the basis of knowledge transformation chains. The current scientific and technological progress of the leading countries of the world is marked by an increase in the level of intellectualization and a reduction in the life cycle of technologies. This encourages the study of the features of the generation and dissemination of knowledge as a driving force for the development of technology. Understanding the nature of the transformation of knowledge is the basis for managing the development of technology efficiently. Therefore, the goal of the article is to study the development of technologies on the basis of knowledge transformation chains. To achieve the stated goal, a number of tasks have been solved: the evolutionary development of approaches to understanding the concept of technology was studied as well as the concept of technology as a commodity; the nature of technology that determines the features of its current development in the chains of knowledge transformation was considered; the determinants of the concept of technology dictated by the chains of knowledge transformation were identified. In the course of the scientific work, the following methods were applied: grouping method, the method of structural and logical analysis, the methods of analysis and synthesis, graphical method. The conceptual approach to understanding the development of technologies on the basis of knowledge transformation chains was designed as the result of the study. Knowledge, as an intangible component of technology together with materialized technology, is transferred thus determining the formation of new knowledge. Consequently, the intangible component of technology enhances its material component and determines the creation of additional value. In this process, technology can be subject to market effects or generate such effects itself. On the basis of the suggested conceptual approach, significant determinants are identified, they reflect the concept of technology taking into account its development on the basis of knowledge transformation chains. Conclusions: the suggested conceptual approach to understanding the development of technologies on the basis of knowledge transformation chains enables increasing the level of justification of the technology management processes in the context of the modern paradigm of their transfer, take into account the technology-driven market phenomena (in particular: synergy, convergence, diffusion of technologies, multiplicative effect, spillover effect, “crowd” effect , and so on, and, consequently, to assess the business opportunities stimulated by these phenomena.

Author Biographies

Natalia Chukhrai, Lviv Polytechnic National University

Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Vice Rector for Scientific Research

Oleksandra Mrykhina, Lviv Polytechnic National University

PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Associate professor of the Department of Economics of Enterprises and Investments


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Economic Sciences