


the quality of the life of the population, the quality of working life of employees, life quality factors, the system of indicators to assess the quality of life


The object of the study is the process of determining the quality of the life of the population. The subject of the study is methodological approaches, methods for determining the quality of life that affect the quality of working life and indicate the usefulness of investing in improving the overall level of staff development. The goal of the paper is to provide the theoretical justification of factors that affect the quality of life of the population of regions grounding on the assessment of indicators to study the usefulness of investing to support and develop this phenomenon. The objectives of the article are to analyze the factors that affect the quality of life, to select and substantiate the components of the quality of life assessment of the population of regions, to draft proposals on the composition of the system of indicators for assessing the quality of life. The following methods are used in the study – the systematic one, logical and historical approaches, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, monographic analysis. Results. The quality of life is considered as a complex concept that characterizes the degree of satisfaction with the conditions of a person being; the quality of working life including labour, the physical and social environment at an enterprise, the system of management, the relationship between the labour and non-labour sphere constitute a very significant part of the mentioned phenomenon. The components and factors that affect the quality of the life of population are grouped as those that directly affect the quality (the quality of working life, living conditions, environment, satisfaction with life), and those that indirectly affect the quality of life (the demographic situation, financial security, legal support, health protection, education, social environment). Factors and the system of indicators for assessing the quality of the life of the population in regions are specified on the basis of the components that have been proved and suggested additionally – ecological condition and the quality of the working life of workers of the enterprises located in regions. Conclusions. The analysis enabled revealing a number of factors that affect the quality of the life of the population of Ukraine, determining the most common of them and the features of their impact and taking into account new trends in the society, economy and politics to classify these factors depending on their impact on the object of the research that is  on an individual as those that directly affect the quality the life of the population, and those indirectly affect the quality of life of the population. The monographic analysis enabled identifying and justifying the system of indicators of the quality of the life of the population in the regions of Ukraine.

Author Biography

Maryna Khodakivska, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Student of the Department of Economics, Enterprise Enterprise Management and Logistics


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Economic Sciences