



art industry market, investment risks, art-indexes of the profitability of the art market, assessment of the value of art objects of investment quality, investment strategy in the art industry, methods of expert evaluation of art objects


The subject matter of the article is theset of theoretical, methodological and practical aspects in assessing investment risks in the art industry market. The goal of the research is the systematization of theoretical and methodological approaches to the assessment of investment risks in the art industry market and the practical recommendations development for the investment attractiveness of art investment objects assessing in order to determine the optimal investment strategy in the art industry market. The following tasks were solved in the article: four basic strategies of investing in the art industry are allocated; the systematization of the art-indexes reflecting the dynamics of the profitability of the art market is done, the estimation of price trends on the selected art-indexes of the profitability of the art market is analyzed, and the two types of profit, generating ownership of objects of art: financial and irrational (emotional) are defined; the methods of expert evaluation of art objects are considered, practical recommendations on investment attractiveness of art investment objects are developed. The following methods are used: abstract-logical analysis, theoretical generalization, system and statistical analysis. The following results were obtained:theprice and non-priced art-indexes that reflect the dynamics of the art market and allow assessing the risks of investment strategies in the art industry are systematized; the dynamics of trend of art-indexes is analyzed; the expediency of formation of informational and analytical support for estimating the investment attractiveness of art objects is substantiated. Conclusions: the expert assessment of the art object is an important part of the process of pricing and minimizing the risk of investing in the art industry market is proved.The theoretical positions and methodical approaches to the estimation of the art-indexes reflecting the dynamics of the profitability of the art market are generalized. It is proved that application of art-indexes allows to optimize investment analysis, to carry out a correct assessment of art objects, to make a perspective assessment of price trends. According to the results of the analysis of the art-indexes trends, it was found out that the correlation of the art market with the financial and commodity markets is weak. The art market is characterized by such specific features as: the low transparency and market liquidity; the problems of authenticity assessment; the complexity of analytical estimation of investment perspectives; it is possible to receive profits only in the long run, at least after 8-10 years. It is noted that ownership of objects of art generates two types of profit: financial and irrational (emotional). The application of the system of informational and analytical support for assessing the investment attractiveness of art objects is proposed, which will help to determine the optimal investment strategy in the market of art industry on the criterion of minimizing investment risks.

Author Biography

Дарина Тарасівна Момот, O. M. Beketov Kharkiv National University of Urban Economy

O. M. Beketov Kharkiv National University of Urban Economy, Master Student at the Department of Financial and Economic Security, Accounting and Auditing


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