


cyber security; IoT; Industry 4.0; web-oriented systems; web-application security; detection of vulnerabilities; detection of web attacks


In modern world cybersecurity ensuring is one of the most crucial issues, especially in the context of the dynamic development of web-oriented industrial Internet of Things (IoT) systems. The subject of research of the paper is cybersecurity ensuring of web-oriented industrial IoT systems. The purpose of the paper is to analyze existing methods of cybersecurity analysis, identify limitations, and formulate requirements for a new assessment concept, which includes ways to eliminate identified limitations. Tasks to be solved: analysis of existing methods, tools and technologies for the organization of web-oriented industrial IoT systems and the problems of ensuring their cyber security. Applied methods: source analysis, system analysis. Obtained results: The analysis of sources has shown that the problems of industrial IoT systems cybersecurity ensuring are relevant due to the use in one system of both the latest information technologies (IT) and traditional operational technologies (OT), such as industrial protocols, etc. In addition, the ever-increasing number and types of attacks aimed specifically at industrial IoT systems are additional drivers for the further development of the cybersecurity assessing and ensuring methods. A generalized concept of the cybersecurity assessing and ensuring process of web-oriented industrial IoT systems is proposed, which includes the stages of identification, analysis, security enhancement, detection and protection. Conclusions: The issue of the cybersecurity ensuring of the web-oriented industrial IoT systems is extremely relevant, and the existing analysis methods and ensuring means do not fully satisfy the existing requirements for such systems. That is why the development and implementation of the proposed concept of cybersecurity assessing and ensuring will allow to significantly influence the improvement of industrial IoT systems cybersecurity.

Author Biographies

Eugene Merzlikin, National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

PhD Student, Computer Systems, Networks and Cybersecurity Department

Ievgen Babeshko, National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

PhD (Engineering Sciences), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Computer Systems, Networks and Cybersecurity Department


Список літератури

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García-Valls, M., Dubey, A., Botti, V. (2018), "Introducing the new paradigm of Social Dispersed Computing: Applications, Technologies and Challenges", Journal of Systems Architecture, No. 91. P. 83–102. DOI:

"W3C. The World Wide Web Consortium, The World Wide Web Consortium 2021", available at: (last accessed 30.05.2022).

Fielding, R., Gettys, J., Mogul, J., Frystyk, H., Masinter, L., Leach, P., Berners-Lee, T. (1999), "HyperText Transfer Protocol v1.1; HTTP (RFC 2616)", The Internet Society: Reston, VA, USA, available at:

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Fielding, R.T. (2000), "Representational State Transfer (REST). Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures", University of California, Irvine, CA, USA, Vol. 5, P. 76–147, available at:

Pedreira, V., Barros, D., Pinto, P. (2021), "A Review of Attacks, Vulnerabilities, and Defenses in Industry 4.0 with New Challenges on Data Sovereignty Ahead, Sensors", MDPI Journals, Sensors, Vol. 21(15), No. 5189. DOI:

García-Valls, M., Song, L. (2022), "Improving Security of Web Servers in Critical IoT Systems through Self-Monitoring of Vulnerabilities", MDPI Journals, Sensors, Vol. 22, No. 5004. DOI:

Fang, Z., Fu, H., Gu, T., Qian, Z., Jaeger, T., Hu, P., Mohapatra, P. (2021), "A model checking-based security analysis framework for IoT systems", Journal of High-Confidence Computing, No. 100004. DOI:

Sarwar, A., Alnajim, A., Marwat, S. N. K., Ahmed, S., Alyahya, S., Khan, W.U. (2022), "Enhanced Anomaly Detection System for IoT Based on Improved Dynamic SBPSO", MDPI journals, Sensors, Vol. 22, No. 4926. DOI:

Ervural, B. C., Ervural, B. (2017), "Overview of Cyber Security in the Industry 4.0 Era", Managing the Digital Transformation, P. 267–284. DOI:

Alaoui, R. L., Nfaoui, E. H. (2022), "Deep Learning for Vulnerability and Attack Detection on Web Applications: A Systematic Literature Review", MDPI Jjournals, Future Internet, Vol. 14, No. 118. DOI:

Al-Garadi, M. A., Mohamed, A., Al-Ali, A., Guizani, M. et al. (2020), "A Survey of Machine and Deep Learning Methods for Internet of Things (IoT) Security", IEEE Internet of Things Journal, No. 19890478. DOI:

Shahid, J., Hameed, M. K., Javed, I. T., Qureshi, K. N., Ali, M., Crespi, N. (2022), "Comparative Study of Web Application Security Parameters: Current Trends and Future Directions", MDPI Journals, Applied Sciences, Vol. 12, No. 4077. DOI:

Pathak, G., Gutierrez, J., Ghobakhlou, A., Rehman, S. U. (2022), "LPWAN Key Exchange: A Centralised Lightweight Approach", MDPI Journals, Sensors, Vol. 22, No. 5065. DOI:

Surej, H. I., Ma, M., Su, R. (2022), "A Feed Forward–Convolutional Neural Network to Detect Low-Rate DoS in IoT", Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 114, No. 105059. DOI:

Ferrer, B. R., Mohammed, W. M., Chen, E., Martinez Lastra, J. L. (2017), "Connecting Web-Based IoT Devices to a CloudBased Manufacturing Platform", IEEE Internet of Things Journal, No. 17431808. DOI:

Aazam, M., Zeadally, S., Harras, K. A. (2018), "Deploying Fog Computing in Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0", IEEE Internet of Things Journal, No. 18133157. DOI:

Kabla, H., Anbar, M., Manickam, S., Al-Amiedy, T. A., Cruspe, P. B., Al-Ani, A. K., Karuppayah, S. (2022), "Applicability of Intrusion Detection System on Ethereum Attacks: A Comprehensive Review", IEEE Access Journal, Vol. 10, No. 21863800. DOI:

Gupta, A. (2019), The IoT Hacker’s Handbook, Apress Berkeley, CA, 320 p. DOI:

Doupé, A., Cova, M., Vigna, G. (2010), "Why Johnny can’t pentest: An analysis of black-box web vulnerability scanners", In Proceedings of the International Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment, Bonn, Germany, Springer: Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany. P. 111–131. DOI:

Bau, J., Bursztein, E., Gupta, D., Mitchell, J. (2010), "State of the Art: Automated Black-Box Web Application Vulnerability Testing", IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, Oakland, CA, USA, P. 332–345. DOI:

Parvez, M., Zavarsky, P., Khoury, N. (2015), "Analysis of effectiveness of black-box web application scanners in detection of stored SQL injection and stored XSS vulnerabilities", IEEE: Piscataway, NJ, USA, P. 186–191. DOI:

Suteva, N., Zlatkovski, D., Mileva, A. (2013), "Evaluation and testing of several free/open source web vulnerability scanners", Conference for Informatics and Information Technology (CIIT 2013), Bitola, Macedonia, Р. 221-224, available at:

Idrissi, S., Berbiche, N., Guerouate, F., Shibi, M. (2017), "Performance evaluation of web application security scanners for prevention and protection against vulnerabilities", International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 12, No. 21, P. 11068–11076, available at:

Momeni, E., Cardie, C., Diakopoulos, N. (2015), "A survey on assessment and ranking methodologies for user-generated content on the web", ACM Comput. Surv (CSUR), Vol. 48(3), Р. 1–49. DOI:

Kumar, M., Majithia, S., Bhushan, S. (2016), "An Efficient Model for Web Vulnerabilities Detection based on Probabilistic Classification", Int. J. Technol. Comput. (IJTC), Techlive Solut, P. 50–58, available at: (last accessed 12.04.2022).

Raj, G., Mahajan, M., Singh, D. (2018), "Security testing for monitoring web service using Cloud", IEEE: Piscataway, NJ, USA, No. 18043392. P. 316–321. DOI:

Ahmed, M., Adil, M., Latif, S. (2015), "Web application prototype: State-of-art survey evaluation", IEEE: Piscataway, NJ, USA, No. 15756740, P. 19–24. DOI:

Hasan, A., Meva, D. (2018), "Web Application Safety by Penetration Testing", Int. J. Adv. Stud. Sci. Res., available at: (last accessed 12.04.2022)

Mohammed, R. (2016), "Assessment of Web Scanner Tools", Int. J. Comput. Appl., Vol. 133(5), Р. 1–4. DOI:

Curphey, M., Arawo, R. (2006), "Web application security assessment tools", IEEE Secur. Priv., Vol. 4, P. 32–41. DOI:

Fang, Y., Long, X., Liu, L., Huang, C. (2018), "DarkHunter: A fingerprint recognition model for web automated scanners based on CNN", 2nd International Conference on Cryptography, Security and Privacy, Guiyang, China, ACM: New York, USA, P. 10–15. DOI:

Alsaleh, M., Alomar, N., Alshreef, M., Alarifi, A., Al-Salman, A. (2017), "Performance-based comparative assessment of open source web vulnerability scanners", Secur. Commun. Netw, available at: (last accessed 12.04. 2022).

Terry, M., Oigiagbe, O. D., Acharya, S. (2015), "A comprehensive security assessment toolkit for healthcare systems", Colonial Academic Alliance Undergraduate Research Journal, Vol. 4, P. 1–6, available at:

Furrer, F. J. (2022), Safety and Security of Cyber-Physical Systems, Engineering dependable Software using Principle-based Development, 521 р. DOI:

Wu, D., Ren, A., Zhang, W., Fan, F., Liu, P., Fu, X., Terpenny, J. (2018), "Cybersecurity for digital manufacturing", J. Manuf. Syst., Vol. 48, P. 3–12. DOI:

Bublil, S., Kessler, A. (2020), "How Industrial IoT could Trigger the Next Cyber Catastrophe", available at: (last accessed 22.03.2020)

Henriquez, M. (2021), "Hacker breaks into Florida water treatment facility, changes chemical levels", Security Magazine, available at: (last accessed 9.02.2021)

ISO/IEC 27001 (2005), "Information Technology. Security Techniques", Information Security Management Systems–Requirements. ISO/IEC International Standards Organization: Geneva, Switzerland, available at:

"Top 10 Web Application Security Risks" (2022), The OWASP Foundation, available at: (last accessed 30.05.2022).

Helmiawan, M. A., Firmansyah, E., Fadil, I., Sofivan, Y., Mahardika, F., Guntara, A. (2020), "Analysis of Web Security Using Open Web Application Security Project 10", International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM), Pangkal, Indonesia, P. 1–5. DOI:

OWASP Application Security Verification Standard, (2022), OWASP, available at: (last accessed 20.02.2022).

Morozova, O. I., Nicheporuk, A. O., Tets'kyy, A. H., Tkachov, V. M. (2021), "Methods and technologies for ensuring cybersecurity of industrial and web-based systems and networks", National Aerospace University – "Kharkiv Aviation Institute": Scientific work, No. 4. Р. 145–156. DOI:

Bhorkar, G. (2017), "Security Analysis of an Operations Support System", School of Science, Master’s Programme in Computer, Communication and Information Sciences, Aalto University, available at: (last accessed 12.04.2022).

Seng, L. K., Ithnin, N., Said, S. Z. M. (2018), "The approaches to quantify web application security scanners quality: a review", Int. J. Adv. Comput. Res., Vol. 8, P. 285–312. DOI:

"Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures", available at:

"National Vulnerability Database", available at:

"MITRE ATT&CK for ICS", available at:



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