The software platform for evaluation of the effectiveness of structural model aggregation of complex systems




software platform; structural model aggregation; complex systems; system generator; maximum flow


Complex systems have a large dimension, consist of a large number of elements and connections between them. Networks are used to represent complex systems. Due to the high dimension of modern systems, researchers evaluate proposed solutions using generated networks. The high dimension of the system leads to problems in modeling and control. To solve these problems, methods for reducing the dimension of complex systems are required. Aggregation of the structural model of the system consists in combining elements of the system into subsystems and as a result dimension of the system and computational complexity are reduced. The subject matter of research is a software platform for evaluation of the effectiveness of structural model aggregation of complex systems. The goal of the work is to develop the software platform for evaluation of the effectiveness of structural model aggregation of complex systems. The relevance of the work lies in the fact that using the software platform it is possible to make the structural model aggregation of systems with a large number of elements and it is also possible to evaluate the effectiveness of structural model aggregation of the system. The following tasks were solved in the work: development of the software platform which consists of a system generator module, a system aggregation module, a maximum flow searching module and a statistical data processing module; structural model aggregation of the system using the software platform; evaluation of the effectiveness of structural model aggregation of the system using the software platform. As a result of the work the software platform was created, the structural model aggregation of the system was made and the effectiveness of structural model aggregation of the system using the software platform was evaluated. The studies allow us to conclude: using the software platform it is possible to generate a system, make the structural model aggregation of the system and solve the problem of the maximum flow searching; the software platform also allows to evaluate the effectiveness of structural model aggregation of the system; the value of the maximum flow is the same at two levels of the system, so in this case the structural model aggregation of the system is made while preserving the correctness of its parameters.

Author Biographies

Olha Ponomarenko, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

postgraduate student at the Department of Electronic Computers

Valeriy Gorbachov, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

PhD (Engineering Sciences), Professor, Professor at the Department of Electronic Computers


Список літератури

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Gorbachov, V., Sytnikov, D., Ryabov, O., Batiaa, A. K., Ponomarenko, O. (2020), "Dimension Reduction for Network Systems Using Structure Model Aggregation", International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics, Vol. 15, No. 1, P. 13–23. DOI:

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How to Cite

Ponomarenko, O., & Gorbachov, V. (2023). The software platform for evaluation of the effectiveness of structural model aggregation of complex systems. INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND SCIENTIFIC SOLUTIONS FOR INDUSTRIES, (3(25), 79–87.