Analysis and selection of relevant network anomaly detection metrics
network anomaly, intrusion detection system, proximity measure, attack classificationAbstract
The object of the study is the detection of network anomalies - an important and dynamically developing area of research. The article discusses the main aspects of network anomaly detection. Principles are formulated that allow generalization of various anomaly detection methods. The attacks that network intrusion detection systems typically face are presented, along with the characteristics and types of intrusion detection methods. Network anomalies are considered as manifestations of network attacks, which makes it possible to classify anomalies. The analysis of iterative sources showed that, despite the breadth of coverage of various methods, subject areas and tasks for detecting network anomalies, less attention is paid to the key issue – the analysis of network anomaly metrics and the rationale for choosing the relevant metric in a particular case. The paper presents types, characteristics and examples of network anomalies. To classify and facilitate the detection of network anomalies, metrics are proposed that are based on proximity measures for numeric, categorical, and mixed data types that characterize anomalies. The network anomaly detection problem is presented as a classification or clustering problem. The components that characterize this problem are identified, namely types of input data, acceptability of proximity measures, data labeling, classification of methods based on the use of labeled data, identifying relevant features and reporting anomalies. An approach is described that allows you to timely generate the required set of metrics, which will ensure not only the formation of preventive countermeasures, but also allow you to assess the current state of the security system as a whole. In addition, it provides the possibility of forming multi-circuit security systems, taking into account the influence (integration) of targeted (mixed) attacks on infrastructure elements, as well as the possibility of their synthesis with social engineering methods.
Список джерел
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Yevseiev, S., Zviertseva, N., Pribyliev, Y., Lezik, O., Komisarenko, O., Nalyvaiko, A., Pogorelov, V., Katsalap, V., Husarova, I. (2023), "Development of the concept for determining the level of critical business processes security", Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, No. 1/9 (121). P. 21–40. DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2023.274301
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Fahim, M., Sillitti, A. (2019), "Anomaly detection, analysis and prediction techniques in IoT environment: A systematic literature review", IEEE Access No. 7, P. 81664-81681. DOI:
Galvao, Y., Albuquerque, V., Fernandes, B., Valenka, M. (2017), "Anomaly detection in smart houses: Monitoring elderly daily behavior for fall detecting", IEEE Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence, la-CCI, P. 1-6. DOI: CCI.2017.8285701.
Lu, H., Li, Y., Mu, S., Wang, D., Kim, H., Serikawa, S. (2018), "Motor anomaly detection for unmanned aerial vehicles using reinforcement learning", IEEE Internet Things J., Vol. 5, No. 4, P. 2315-2322. DOI:
Nguyen, T., Marchal S., Miettinen, M., Fereidooni, H., Asokan, N., Sadeghi, A. "Diot: A federated self-learning anomaly detection system for loT", 39th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, ICDCS, P. 756-767. DOI:
Alsheikh, M., Konieczny, L., Prater, M., Smith, G., Uludag, S. "State and trends of IoT security: Unequivocal appeal to cybercriminals, onerous to defenders", IEEE Consum. Electr. Mag. Vol. 1, Р. 1-17. DOI:
Munir, M., Siddiqui, S., Dengel, A., Ahmed, S. (2019), "DeepAnT: A deep learning approach for unsupervised anomaly detection in time series", IEEE Access, Vol. 7, P. 1991-2005. DOI:
Srikanth, P. (2021), "An efficient approach for clustering and classification for fraud detection using bankruptcy data in IoT environment", Int. J. Inf. Techno., , available at:
Hafeez, I., Antikainen, M., Ding, A., Tarkoma, S. (2020), “IoT-KEEPER: Detecting malicious IoT network activity using online traffic analysis at the edge”, IEEE Trans. Netw. Serv. Manag, Vol. 17, No. 1, P. 45-59. DOI:
Bosman, H., Lacca, G., Tejada, A., Wortche, H., Liotta, A. (2015), "Ensembles of incremental learners to detect anomalies in ad hoc sensor networks", Ad Hoc Netw., No. 35, P. 14-36. DOI:
Milov, O., Yevseiev, S., Opirskyy, I., Dunaievska, O., Huk, O., Pogorelov, V., Bondarenko, K., Zviertseva, N., Melenti, Y., Tomashevsky, B. (2022), "Development of concepts for the cyber security metrics classification", Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. Vol. 4/4, No. 118, P. 6–18, DOI:
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