Ontological model of structure and parameters of components in high-tech product modernization projects
modernization projects; high-tech products; components; decomposition; construction modeling; technical documentation; structure; parameters; ontology; semantic network.Abstract
The subject of the article is models representing the structure and parameters of components in high-tech products based on the analysis of technical documentation in modernization projects. The purpose of the proposed research is to enhance the quality of modernization processes of high-tech products by forming an ontological model of the product with innovative components, considering the diversity of information support. The article addresses the following tasks: studying the main methods and technologies of system representation of complex product structure; forming a model of structural-functional decomposition of a high-tech product, creating an ontological model of the structure and parameters of a high-tech product based on technical documentation. The following methods are applied: systemic approach, methods of functional-structural decomposition, set theory, ontology construction methods, semantic models. The following results were obtained: The main methods of system representation of complex product structure were investigated, based on the following principles: decomposition of complex product architecture, layering of complex product representation, multivariate synthesis of component architecture. The main directions and advantages of using 3D technologies for solving design tasks in modernization projects of high-tech product components are considered. The decomposition of a high-tech product into component parts and partial parameters is proposed, taking into account functional, structural, and parametric characteristics. An ontological model of the structure and parameters of a high-tech product is formed based on a set of technical documentation and considering additional heterogeneous sources of information. Innovative elements are identified, the description of which may be fuzzy. Conclusions. The proposed ontological model can serve as a basis for finding similar solutions regarding the design of innovative components in the precedent database, which is properly structured. In the absence of similar design solutions, innovative component design can be carried out using 3D technologies based on supplementing fuzzy information in the semantic model.
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A free, open-source ontology editor and framework for building intelligent systems. available at: https://protege.stanford.edu (last accessed 13.02.2024).
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