DOI:Ключові слова:
European Union, integration, state, recommendations, history, relationsАнотація
The aim of the work is a comprehensive analysis of Ukraine`s European Union aspirations.
The methodological basis of the study are official websites of specialized institutions in Ukraine and the European Union, laws, analytical reports, articles by other scientists, etc.
Results. According to the results of the conducted research, it was found that Ukraine continues to actively work towards European integration. It’s confirmed by a number of normative and legislative acts that have already been adopted or are planned to be adopted in the nearest future. It was found that European integration is not just a priority of Ukraine’s foreign policy, the implementation of which began from the moment of independence, but an integral part of the national outlook of the Ukrainian people. In addition, it was analysed that according to the desire of Ukraine, the European Union granted the status of a candidate for EU membership in 2022. The upcoming negotiations are a manifestation of the determination of both sides to implement the European integration policy. Ukraine set the priority of joining European organizations as its key task in foreign policy since independence. The first agreement that regulated relations between the parties was concluded in 1994. It was the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement, which entered into force in 1998 and signed for the period of ten years.
Conclusions. Thus, it is important that Ukraine began to build bilateral relations with the European Union after gaining independence. The first bilateral act, which defined the goals and purpose of this cooperation, was signed in 1994, the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement, the term of which was calculated for ten years. Later, a new stage of negotiations between the parties began. It led to the conclusion of the Association Agreement, the signing of which took place in 2014. It became the fundamental document regulating Ukraine’s cooperation with the European Union in many areas.
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