DOI:Ключові слова:
environment, surrounding natural environment, criminal offenses, legal regulation, interpretation, definitionАнотація
The publication is dedicated to the coverage of legislative and theoretical approaches to the use of the interpretation of certain terms and concepts in the field of environmental protection, based on which suggestions are made regarding their optimal use in scientific circulation and relevant regulatory and legal acts. It is emphasized that the stability of informational and legal provision, in particular in the environmental sphere, is possible under the condition of unification of legislative terms, clear regulatory consolidation of their content with the aim of uniform understanding and application in practical activities. It is possible to secure interests and implement strategic priorities in the field of environmental protection through the creation of effective legal regulation, which includes various legal means, in particular regulations. The important role of definitions in legal regulation, which contain definitions of concepts as integral elements of the legal basis for ensuring the environmental policy of the state, is pointed out. It is noted that the legal definitions of the concepts have a universally binding nature and contribute to the formation of a single legal space. An attempt was made to evaluate the conceptual and categorical apparatus in the analyzed field from the point of view of the universality of the relevant definitions, the completeness of their textual expression, as well as state policy. It is noted that the relevant legislation does not contain a legislative definition of key concepts in the field of environmental protection. It was concluded that the identification of the definitions “ecology” and “surrounding environment” is erroneous, because “ecology” is the part of it that refers to the natural component of the environment. In this regard, as well as in view of the need to bring national legislation to international standards in the researched area, it is more appropriate to use the term “surrounding environment”, which is synonymous with the concept of “environment”, which would cover not only the natural component, but also the environment the existence of humanity in general.
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