

Ключові слова:

security, economic security, local self-government bodies, military administrations, legal regime of martial law


The content of the scientific article corresponds to its title and consists in determining the powers of local self-government bodies to ensure the economic security of the community. It was emphasized that an important aspect of the effective provision of the economic security of Ukraine is an optimally constructed and functioning system of public administration bodies, whose activities, among other things, should ensure the economic security of the state, ensuring proper control of the implementation of the relevant policy. Subordination to political power, enforcement and application of laws are essential features of such a subject of public administration as local self-government bodies; activity in the public interest, the presence of the prerogative of public authority. The powers of local self-government bodies to ensure economic security include: obtaining from enterprises the necessary information about draft plans, mandatory coordination of enterprise plans; submitting proposals to projects on issues related to meeting the needs of the population; preparation of proposals for the privatization of municipal enterprises; receiving payment for land use; establishing cooperation with managers of enterprises of all forms of ownership in the direction of improving the state of development of the economic sphere of the region, analyzing and forecasting the development of the economic potential of the territory; development and implementation of models for the recovery of the local economy, entrepreneurship, diversification of production, etc. In order to improve the activities of military administrations in the field of ensuring economic security, along with the competences for ensuring national security, we suggest: streamlining the provisions of the legislation regarding their powers to make decisions on banning the trade in weapons, potent chemical and poisonous substances, alcoholic beverages and substances produced on an alcohol basis; to attribute to the competence of regional and district military administrations the authority to assist the activities of judicial and law enforcement bodies, bodies of the bar; carrying out joint analysis and holding meetings with the prosecutor’s office and other law enforcement agencies on security issues, in particular in the economic sphere in the relevant territory; participation in the preparation, approval and organization of the implementation of relevant regional and local programs. It is substantiated that the introduction of appropriate changes to the legislation will make it possible to standardize the principles and methods of activity of local self-government bodies and military administrations, to reflect the issues of responsibility and guarantees of legal status and, among other things, to formulate powers in the field of ensuring economic security.


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