DOI:Ключові слова:
duty, morality, duty as a value, moral principles, effectiveness of legal duty, legal awarenessАнотація
Law and morality are integral and important components of modern society and play an important role in regulating relations within it. Norms of law and morality are closely intertwined in the process of social regulation, which determines the mutual influence on the essential content of each of them. The interaction of the two categories is reflected in the fact that the law contributes to the realization of moral principles in the minds of all members of society, in turn, under the influence of moral requirements, the law is constantly improved and increases its role as a social regulator of social relations. In addition, the interaction of morality and law is manifested in the fact that today both the national law of most states of the world and international law use such well-known principles as humanism, justice, equality, integrity, which are a reflection of the influence of moral principles on the formation of law in general. In other words, legal norms, in order to ensure the effectiveness of their action, respond to the moral requirements of modern society, reflecting them in their content.
It is no less important to pay attention to the implementation of moral aspects in the formulation of legal obligations incumbent on citizens, since the level of their implementation and compliance directly depends on the level of implementation of moral principles and values prevailing in society. Regarding the moral aspects of duty as a value, it is worth noting that the process of formation of a legal duty was closely related to the precepts of morality, which was also reflected in the modern interpretation of duties. That is why we consider it expedient to investigate legal duty as a value for the presence of moral aspects in it and the importance of moral aspects in modern legal duty.
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