Digitalization as a guarantee of the right to environmental information


  • Nataliia Ilkiv Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of economic and legal disciplines, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Україна


Ключові слова:

right to environmental information, EcoSystem, eco-threat, digitalization


The article is devoted to the study of the legal framework for the use of information technologies as a component of the legal mechanism for realization of the right to environmental information. The author notes that in forming the legal framework for digitalization of environmental relations, the need to use digital technologies to create conditions for universal accessibility of environmental information and to raise environmental awareness is crucial. The author emphasizes that digitalization is at the same time a guarantee of the constitutional right of citizens to have access to information on the state of the environment.

A systematic analysis of the legal provisions which form the basis for the digitalization of environmental impact assessment and strategic environmental assessment and which serve as guarantors of the right to environmental information is carried out.

The  author  emphasizes  the  need  to  improve  the  State  system of environmental monitoring and information support of public administration.

The article examines the service of recording the facts of environmental damage caused by emergencies, events, and armed aggression of the Russian Federation “EcoThreat”, which aims at recording the facts of environmental damage to the environment not only for prompt response, forecasting, management decision-making, reporting and planning regarding the recorded facts of environmental damage, as well as to ensure that citizens can exercise their rights in terms of free access to up-to-date information on recorded facts of damage to the environment as a result of emergencies, events, and armed aggression of the russian federation.

It is summarized that the significant potential of digital technologies for social development is important for ensuring public access to the environmental sphere, expanding cooperation of civil society with public authorities and business, opening up new opportunities for the realization of environmental rights and meeting the environmental needs of citizens, and ensuring an improvement in the quality of the environment and the range of public services.


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