Control in the field of banking: concept, properties and essence


  • Alyona Nakonechna Lawyer, Chief Specialist of DCCJ JSC CB “PrivatBank”. Postgraduate student of the Department of Administrative Tactical Law University of Customs and Finance, Україна


Ключові слова:

Control in the field of banking, Lima Declaration, Codification of banking legislation, control, Supervision


The article is devoted to the study of the concept of control, its properties and essence. In the course of the study, it was found that there is no consensus on the concept of control, and especially control in the field of banking. There are so many authors, so many opinions. This ramification leads to significant gaps and collisions, for example, in law. Thus, having a vague definition of the concept leads to a variety of interpretations of the meaning and in some cases avoidance of responsibility for certain violations of the Law. The purpose of this article is to accumulate a set of concepts into a more unified one and one that in the future will help in solving certain difficult situations that arise regarding control in the field of banking.


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