Ключові слова:
innovation activity, innovation processes, agribusiness, agricultural products, modeling, latent factorsАнотація
AIC on the basis of the critical state of Ukraine's economy, much of which the agricultural sector, demands from AIC to improve their organizational and administrative activities based on implementation and good governance of innovation process (IP). Target setting. Efficient solving of occurring issues in these rapidly changing conditions in the economic and sociopolitical environment requires the use of analytical techniques in the management of agricultural enterprises, IPbased instruments of economic and mathematical modeling, taking into consideration peculiarities of agricultural production. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. The main approaches to the design of the systems associated with managing IP, realized with descriptive tools or presented with insufficient formalization, and offer practically an experiment with managing IP, avoiding the possibility to assess the impact and consequences of various options for managing IP in the future prospect of minimizing risks in management IA while making management decisions. Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. The scientists haven’t yet developed the tools of economic and mathematical modeling for the control and management of full technological cycle, necessary for innovation in production. The research objective. The article studies the patterns of development and management of IP enterprises in Ukraine, as well as mechanisms of their internal and external relationships. The statement of basic materials. The dynamics of ID agricultural enterprises in terms of its components has been analyzed, was researched its ID development tendencies based on the analysis of the dynamics of changes in key indicators of the domestic agricultural production. The factors influence the level ID agrarian enterprises and factor analysis was performed. With the results the system of latent factors models based on the calculated integral indicators of the components of their IA, including the dynamics of innovation in the enterprises, the dynamics of costs and IA funding sources, the dynamics of introducing IA. Conclusions. Calculated latent factors of IA agricultural enterprises, it should be appropriate to use as guidelines for foreign trade in order to determine the IA strategy for Ukraine on the world agricultural market.Посилання
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Received for publication12.01.201
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