Influence of the seed sowing rate and the sowing method on the variability of biological yield for sorghum grain gibrids


  • Lyudmila Sviridova V. V. Dokuchiaev Kharkiv National Agrarian University p/v “Dokuchaievske-2”, Kharkiv region, Ukraine, 62483, Ukraine



grain sorghum, seed rates, sowing method, hybrid, biological yield of grain, system of stems


An influence of different variants of the seed rate and sowing method on the formation of the biological yield of grain sorghum hybrids in the conditions of the experimental field of KNAU named after V. V. Dokuchaev are studied. The share of different systems of sorghum grain in the formation of indicators of general biological yield of grain for the influence of the investigated technological factors is determined. The optimal combinations of seed sowing rates and sowing methods are established, which provide a more complete realization of the resource potential of plant productivity

Author Biography

Lyudmila Sviridova, V. V. Dokuchiaev Kharkiv National Agrarian University p/v “Dokuchaievske-2”, Kharkiv region, Ukraine, 62483

Senior lecturer

Department of plant growing


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