The problem of preserving cultural heritage in 20-30 years of XXth century




historical and cultural heritage, domestic historiography, destruction of monuments, preservation of cultural and historical values, power, totalitarian regime


 This article examines the prerequisites for the destruction of monuments of history and culture, characterized by a total totalitarian-administrative period, voluntaristic attitude to monuments and national traditions. The protection of cultural heritage should be the main task of the state, which always needs to be strengthened, it should be an important part of the state policy in the field of culture. It is the cultural heritage of the state that is an important link of national identity, historical memory and educating of national consciousness

Author Biography

Alla Yarosh, Kyiv national university of culture and arts Yevhena Konovaltsia str., 36, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601

Postgraduate studentDepartment of cultural and leisure activities


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