Psychological approach to understanding of the subsistence right and the right to health of the individual




right, life, health, value, terrorism, terrorist, psychological, interdisciplinary, non-property, personal


This research reveals and represents the theoretical issues of the interdisciplinary approach to the definition of the role and place of the subsistence right and the right to health of the individual under the conditions of the terrorism.

It is ascertained that the problems of the consequences of terrorism are not actually examined in the Ukrainian psychological science, jurisprudence and judicial practice.

A psychological reconsideration of the value of life is offered with the aim of bringing out this right from a purely professional, legal understanding and its propagation and use in the everyday existence of a person

Author Biography

Khrystyna Solodovnikova, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Volodymyrska str., 60, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01033

PhD, Senior laboratory assistant


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