Application of linguistic technology for knowledge evaluation




information technologies, natural language, multifunctional model, linguistic multifunctional model


The article proposes linguistic technology, with the help of which it is possible to realize cognitive recognition of text objects and take into account their linguistic features within the subject domain. Text processing is aimed at identifying the main components of knowledge in the text, the relationship between them taking into account the language specificity. For vocational training, in particular in the fields related to the use of accurate, semantically reliable terminology, where distortions of wording, standardized definitions of terms or lack of understanding of them may lead to deviations in the performance of professional activities, errors

Author Biography

Lyubov Badyorina, Kyiv national university of culture and arts Yevhena Konovaltsia str., 36, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Senior LecturerDepartment of Computer Science


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Technical Sciences