Material support organization of the units of National Guard of Ukraine




material support, military personnel, military units, preparatory stock, things, stock standards


The article analyzes the general principles of the organization of material support of military units, which allows to determine the theoretical basis for the formation of a preparatory stock of things for servicemen. A procedure is developed for determining the required number of supplies for the needs of the military units of the National Guard of Ukraine, which creates opportunities for setting the norm of the insurance stock of supplies, depending on the degree of guaranteed provision of military units by specific types of things. The substantiation of the technology of stock valuation of military support units is fulfilled, which provides maximum simplification of the calculations itself and the use of software tools for this purpose

Author Biography

Oleg Gafurov, National Academy of National Guard of Ukraine Zakhysnykiv Ukrainy sq., 3, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61001

PhD, Senior Lecturer

Department of Technical and Logistics


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